I’m not sure they’ll succeed in extinguishing linux. But I do get the worry, especially with WSL.
What I am more worried about is them potentially extinguishing git via their control of github. In particular, with their github cli tool and such >.<
I’m not sure they’ll succeed in extinguishing linux. But I do get the worry, especially with WSL.
What I am more worried about is them potentially extinguishing git via their control of github. In particular, with their github cli tool and such >.<
We shouldn’t get bullied into believing people can be any sex they want to be. They can’t
They can’t
Sounds like a challenge for transhumanist tech to solve 😎✊⚧️Ⓐ💻.
(Other people have covered the factual incorrectness here - the short of it is that (1) gender =/= sex and (2) “sex” isnt some monolithic thing but a complex, multi-axis thing itself - most of these axes are changeable to various degrees as well .)
If they’d called it Dogs arse Flu you wouldn’t even comment.
This is totally irrelevant?? It was a coronavirus, not a flu virus, which is why it’s not called as some kind of flu strain.
P.S. Sar-cov2 is the alleged infection agent and not Covid19, which is a list of basic symptoms.
It is the infection agent. Not the “”“alleged”“” infection agent. Also casual conversation and speech is a thing .
I assure you i’m not capable of having been infected by a computer model, and I have absolutely been infected with covid-19 in the past.
The uk has a serious surveillance state cultural problem.
And holy fuck is this dumb.
Wish governments would stop trying this bullshit. I swear it seems to come up every few years. They just don’t seem to be able to accept the idea of people defending themselves against mass surveillance for more than a few years <.<
It lives!
A lot of phones can relay to wifi they are connected to, rather than just using phone signal. That is, instead of using mobile data to provide internet, it forwards connections through the wifi the phone is connected to, essentially acting as a mini router :)
I came up with an idea (on my alt account ^.^) to improve discoverability… it’s more focused on instance or group discovery, though it may be doable for users with a probabalistic reverse index for efficiency. See: https://infosec.pub/post/429743
Note I’m not sure if this comment replied to who I intended it to but its showing up on another comment that fits soooo.
I say “I’m autistic” at least 40% specifically to avoid people like you and weird gatekeeping crap, despite having been diagnosed for a long time.
You will never be “one of the good ones” and trying to force yourself to fit a mould, and shitting on other people who are less amenable/able to going through the entire structure, in a hostile and repressive and cruel society will not make them treat you better or provide accommodations more. <.<
I’m not getting into all the other issues with shitting on self diagnosis around class and accessibility and discrimination (direct or intersectional, e.g. trying to strip trans rights from autistic trans people, where diagnosis is actually dangerous, and people choose to avoid it if they have the option to do so even if they seriously struggle with negative aspects of being autistic) and hyperpathologisation and accusing people of being FaKErS because they aren’t sufficiently miserable/self-loathing/self-hating or don’t post their negative moments/experiences online. Autistic people are allowed to be happy and express it publically.
Honestly just sick and tired of seeing this shit in every single space I want to be part of, and pissed off ;p. I hoped this shit died when we collectively told Autism Speaks to fuck off, but apparently that was way too goddamn optimistic.
I think folks would like some actual evidence before bandwagoning.
Though good on you for starting your own instance ^.^
ITT: people advocating eugenics on themselves. I hate it. I hate seeing it. And stuff like this is psychologically destructive to read for me.
If people here don’t like others with similar traits to them advocating that their life and perspective is not valuable and that they should hate it and wish no-one new experience it, I recommend avoiding this thread - even moreso if you have suicidal tendencies. It was very upsetting for me ;-;, even though I personally have no intent to have kids.