Wait, you’re telling me he was not the chief engineer of space x whole simultaneously being the world champion at a video game?
Wait, you’re telling me he was not the chief engineer of space x whole simultaneously being the world champion at a video game?
Lol. While I was building my app I didn’t have a name for the first month. Then I came up with Blorp and my gf was like “yeahhh keep working on the name”. My thought process is that it’s most important that the name stick in your head so when your friend is like “I’m using Blorp” later when you go to download it, you remember the name. I’m also not a fan of Lemmy’s mouse branding. So I wanted a name that sticks in your brain and to ditch the typical Lemmy branding.
But if someone comes up with a better name, I’ll consider it. Naming things is hard lol.
For me its 50% because it seems the accept new users the fastest (from my very unscientific test) and 50% because Voyager does it so it must be the right way lol. Initially I had it randomizing between the most popular instaces, but I decided to simplify it and have it default to lemm.ee. I don’t feel that strongly. If someone presented a good argument for why I should change it, I would consider it.
The web version is also available! If you try it, feel free to submit any bugs through GitHub (linked in setting tab).
Thank you! Would love for you to joing the beta, either iOS or macOS for now. I will be rolling out other platforms based on demand, but I really need some early user feedback to help focus the work I do.
My eyes enjoyed your comment.
Coming in the next update!
Is that a positive or negative reaction? lol
LOL. Reminds me of this
Appriciate you taking the time to try it! If you have time time, could you right click and "inspect element”? Then go to “console”. If possible could you paste everything in console in a DM to me? If you dont see “inspect element” as an option, then there is probably something else going on.
This sounds like it might be an issue with the app itself, not BigSur. Might be able to get it fixed easily.
It might actually just work. The build I’m distributing is a universal build that should work on Intel and Apple Silicon-based Macs. I’m not 100% sure what the minimum macOS version supported currently is.
I would say just try it, but I’m curious what macOS version you are on and if it works. I’ll see what I can do to expand support to older versions if people want that.
I spent a lot of time early in my career working on some UI component libraries that I ultimately deemed a failure. However, I learned a lot from that. I’ve found that as I’ve settled into a more senior dev role, it’s become harder for me to experiment.
What I’m trying to say is that best case, you come up with something cool, and worst case, you learn from your mistakes and apply what you learned to the next project!
Ooo love the podcast but I missed that episode. I’ll check it out!