If the SSDs aren’t ancient and there’s something useful in them – sure. Steam already backs up save files – so it depends what you have on them to require redundancy on backing up somewhere.
Huh? A timetraveling bomb was dropped?
I don’t know… Have you seen the rates for Findom lately!?
So she will have an easier time in prison since they all like her?
Old cellphone.
How not battle royal.
Ah , interesting - hadn’t seen them like that before – but the premise looks the same to what I was suggesting.
In the video on the product you can see them mucking with AT commands. OpenWRT seems to be using https://openwrt.org/docs/guide-user/network/wan/wwan/modemmanager so I think you’d just want to confirm the chips on those dongles have had success with ModemManager - and then be running ModemManager from your Pis.
MC7455 - https://a.aliexpress.com/_mMEGTFw
Random Enclosure - https://a.aliexpress.com/_m0pHSD2
I’m picking an older LTE only chip that I’m familiar with and a compatible enclosure. There might be cheaper.
It’s far from plug and play as you’ll either need to come up to speed with AT command or research if some libraries interact it. Edit: I’d look at what OpenWRT is using - I’ve plugged these into those and had a relatively plug and play experience.
Entirely possible this isn’t what you’re looking for - what’s a link to one of these dongles on Amazon?
LTE modems are cheaper - so I’d exclude 5g if your use case doesn’t require it.
I know more about the mobile internet side of things - not exactly stuff like cameras only etc.
Do you have enough signal at the farm to run cheaper devices and antennas?
Do you want to pay for multiple cell plans or would it make sense to have one command/central and increase/mesh the WiFi output?
OSX - mv my_project ~/.Trash
These new weapons come with ChatGPT installed.
The wide-ranging fraudulent testing at Japan’s top automaker involved the use of inadequate or outdated data in collision tests, and incorrect testing of airbag inflation and rear-seat damage in crashes. Engine power tests were also found to have been falsified.
I was initially going to suspect EPA cheating - how long until it’s determined that was cheated on also?
I’ll admit I didn’t click or read. But am I incorrect to expect some information on what I will assume is the landing page in the image?
“Software Forge” doesn’t readily describe its purpose to me.
Any additional information been found on the user?
Good dismissal or bad dismissal.
When you’re working on a remote server you’re probably not going to have fish available.