I’m here for the relatable content
I’m here for the relatable content
Maybe they had Russians build the bridge
Why was he even allowed access to the 72nd one? Isn’t there some point where we decide this isn’t going to stop?
I’m sorry that happened to you. I read recently of another church leader who killed a little girl he was supposed to be driving somewhere in a group, then pretended she never got on the bus, and comforted her family. In the 1970s. Only recently admitted to the murder. I can’t imagine what kind of sociopath takes somebody’s baby and then lies to their face for 50 years about what happened.
Well you’ll still be allowed in Australia
3 hours a day of unpaid time just to get ready for work… we were far overdue for a shift in the system.
Right, I can’t use my phone without it and I’m not buying into Apple. I also really like the user reviews on Maps, it’s like Yelp and TripAdvisor before they both fell to enshttification. I’ve also got a Voice number that I pay nothing for and I give it out when businesses demand a phone number. I don’t see myself switching to anything else for those.
This happened to me on a smaller scale.
I had a sinus infection for several years. Doctors threw every antibiotic at me and nothing stuck. Was told to take antihistamines and see if it cleared up.
I ended up with a bunch of dental cavities from dry mouth and said Enough - I got an appointment with another doctor and pleaded with them for a different prescription. Antifungal. A week later it was gone.
I don’t “see” things as if I’m looking at them, I see them the way you imagine a taste.
I do a lot of visual thinking and 3D manipulation but I don’t ever actually see it. I also have music playing pretty much all the time whether I like it or not.