Appreciate and upvote every reply to my comments/posts if I can detect any effort being put into it; even if I think you completely missed what I tried to say or strongly disagree with your opinion.
Occasionally I cannot resist shitposting, hyperbolic, ironic, sarcastic or populist rhetoric; no /s
could solve it:
ah crazy, i made it work with Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS!
For some reason i had to unplug the PC before restarting. Then it got found as UEFI and could boot.
The full installation on the USB was a bit dirty, as i put the Live Ubuntu in a Virtual Machine and installed it from there. So i typed the full disk encryption and login passwords in Windows … but I wont be too paranoid about that one now 😅
ok, appreciate your time and insight. thanks!
seems to involve disabling secure boot, not happy with that. will cause more paranoia 😬
like i said, i tried mint, does not work from that stick, only tails works. what i want to achieve is not much:
Appreciate it a lot, thanks. What Distro would you recommend running from a USB?
Beside security concerns about stuff that I don’t understand, my only real needs are:
soon will be one year old.
yes and my pc too 😅
omg pls do digress! like i said, im reallly open to other distros.
did try other ports.
dont have another usb. i like this one cuz its fast and i dont want to buy a new one before being sure it will work.
Are you sure you need the UEFI mode and not the legacy BIOS mode?
im not. and i dont even understand that question 🙈
but the stick is new and should not be too bad:
mostly just abbreviations like
:*:ty-::Thank you very much
I know its possible in linux. but on windows in ahk it takes me seconds to add/remove/deactivate/activate them. and on a good working day do that maybe 20 to 50 times. and they are all in one single file.
i also use it for simple shortcuts or things like
:R*?:ddd:: FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, dd.MM.yy SendInput %CurrentDateTime% return
or stuff like search selected text in search engine X or Y; but if selected in program A, then use search engine Z or open program B and enter it there. but those are the most complicated ones i use and dont need quick changing.
id really like to use linux, but not before this is working. i dont understand how you linux people can live witout ahk.
multiple peace deals. if one fails, that’s tragic – if multiple fail after foreign intervention, something’s fucky
kagi is so overrated, I don’t get it. it’s not even worth to set up email aliases and abuse their unlimited trials. searx is much better, if you really want to pay for something and need Ai stuff i recommended perplexity and nothing else.
Can you provide a link to 1 article that consists of “tankie fantasies”?
Edit: and they couldn’t.
Since 2014, when a US-backed coup installed a nationalist government in Kiev, our contributors have been at the forefront of exposing the role of Washington in pushing Ukraine toward all-out war with Russia.
But I actually have to agree with you on this, that is bullshit. The Grayzone was not at the forefront of this in 2014; the BBC was. (full transcript)
The money didn’t come from Gofundme, it came from private donors, who have not been notified or refunded so far.
If freedom of the press is loved, why is it made extra difficult to support the independent media of your choice?
People donated to that site because they probably view the information it provides as valuable.
It’s fine if you think the Grayzone is shit, no one will force you to read it, but please be aware that you accept authoritarianism when it suits your bias and political beliefs. Not even questioning the reasons for the withholding? Do you just think the boss or some random person of Gofundme spontaneously thought “Nah, not those guys, not today” then froze the 90k? Not even questioning how a journalist ends up on a list of the UK Counter-Terror Police?
And btw, dismissing journalistic work when it proves that you’ve been told lies does not make you a critical thinker, it just makes you a victim of propaganda, all the best 😘
That’s not world news, just spoilers for an upcoming Chubbyemu video!
Thank you, that’s
probablywhat I needed to hear 🙈