Look deep enough, there’s gonna be a bill to install irradiated cream cheese into trident nuclear missiles…
As an American, notify us when it gets by either the house or Senate
Nope, but now I wish i did
The most moral army in the world? Top 3 are for sure Kiwi, Costa Rican, & Swiss
Israeli wouldn’t even be in the top 150 lmao
I do kind of agree, this is a bit much, but we are giving them lots of weapons, like i understand maintaining the alliance & there is a large jewish lobby in the USA but like the ammunition would be much better spent in Kharkiv or Robotnye vs Gaza City imo.
Fucking hell… Makes sense though, they earned 30k a year, 200k ain’t enough to challenge the bankroll potential of Nintendo.
this is beyond awful, especially to us with broken switches who want to play the games we own in these times, and everyone who can’t/ won’t afford their shit.
This is the bullshit that deserves shouting and death threats, not people making a subpar decision for a game or a bad one.