I have heard it on multiple occasions in Swedish podcasts. Apart from the the other response you got with a source from the Swedish Sports Confederation, I found you some news articles on it. They are in Swedish, since it’s the source.
Here’s his first inquiry to get it classified as a sport: https://sverigesradio.se/artikel/strippkungen-vill-att-sex-klassas-som-sport-riksidrottsforbundet-rasar And here’s on the sex event he wants to hold:
He’s known for these kinds of things in Sweden. He has gotten in a fight with McDonald’s over logo infringement with his strip club sign:
Yeah. But you got the gist of it. He’s probably not going to get “sex” recognized as a sport anytime soon. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised is this sex contest of his is going to get shut down before its held - depending on how he has organized it.