Gina had posted previously ( ) that she needed more support or she was going to have to stop maintaining Octoprint and get a full time job. Apparently everyone came thru!
If you use Octoprint, I urge you to donate (I do). Even $1/month is WAY more than you think it is.
Damn, I thought that Octoprint was basically “Stable” at this point, I didn’t realize Gina was still maintaining it actively! She’s a wonderful steward of the 3D printing community and participated in the main 3D printing community back on G+ (back when that was a thing).
I have nothing but good things to say about her, Octoprint was the basis for Klipper back before someone ported the Duet web controls into Fluidd and Mainsail. So she’s been instrumental in some of the major 3D printing developments.
I chipped in. Honestly, I don’t print that much and I barely use a small fraction of octoprints functionality, but the parts I use do make printing more convenient.
I’ve got a bonus coming next month. I think I might give half of it to support software I use all day everyday.