Today I was attending a lecture about blockchain and cryptocurrencies and the lecturer said that freedom and safety don’t go together. You can have more freedom by abandoning safety. Would you agree?
Today I was attending a lecture about blockchain and cryptocurrencies and the lecturer said that freedom and safety don’t go together. You can have more freedom by abandoning safety. Would you agree?
It’s not propaganda, it’s a basic logical conclusion. If you and a group of people decide to follow a set of rules together, i.e. create a society, you are surrendering a little of your freedom to do whatever you want whenever you want in exchange for some protection from others from doing the same.
But that never happened. We never decided that. No one even asked me. Again, I never opted in and there’s no realistic way to opt out. I’m far more afraid of the state than I am from my neighbors, and if I had a real choice, I would opt out immediately.