The prime minister of the UK everyone, showing the world he is stuck in the 1960’s and that the world was a better place then, when families were strong and white… oh wait a moment l…
The Tories must be proud of what they have created.
Hopefully this will discredit pro car policies by associating them with cheap populist stunts.
That and leading Starmer to double down on pro-motorist red-meat policies to appeal to the Daily Mail-reading petrogammon he assumes the English Everyman is.
I love the phrase “petrogammon”, as I can picture exactly the sort of person it describes.
It’s just clones of Jeremy Clarkson and Ronnie Pickering as far as the eye can see.
I can see limiting highly-restrictive speed limits, as there could be a broader public interest outside of the location placing the limit in having traffic moving. Like, when traffic is moving from point A to B to C, B may be on the only route from A to C and not care how long it requires to get from A to C. But B’s restrictions still affect people at A and C.
But how does limiting traffic cameras make sense? I mean, either you have a speed limit or you don’t. I can’t see a good argument for limiting enforceability of speed limits.
The narrowness and shit parking on most residential streets means you’d be lucky to even reach 20mph, let alone be limited to it.
And drivers needn’t worry. Councils have barely got the budget for the signs, let alone any enforcement of it.