If they change it back under Trusk, it’d be unambiguously and unapologetically to the Confederate general.
If they change it back under Trusk, it’d be unambiguously and unapologetically to the Confederate general.
Something like that. IIRC, Franklin, Jefferson and such were deists, i.e. believing that there’s something godlike and numinous but that something is not the Abrahamic God or anything similar, but rather some kind of sacred principle of being or something.
IIRC, Freemasonry requires one to purport to believe in a supreme being, though that is so loosely defined that one can fill the gap with a tautological definition.
It’s a Masonic symbol, and Freemasonry was fashionable at the time
They could justify it with the Chewbacca Defence, possibly replacing Star Wars names with arcane Latin legalese terms.
A 6-3 Supreme Court majority says it isn’t.
Well, I did Nazi that coming
She was morally right, though unfortunately that counts for little, as a principle of monarchism is that the subjects don’t have a say in whom they’re ruled by.
Apparently containerisation is still not widespread in Russia, and most of their (civilian and military) shipping is breakbulk like it’s the 1930s.
A few decades ago, a devoutly communist rabbit breeder from East Germany donated a pair of giant rabbits he had bred to North Korea, in the hope that they could be used to start a breeding programme to provide the North Korean comrades with food. Later, it turned out that both rabbits were killed and served to Kim Jong-Il at a banquet.
Now, it seems that North Korea’s best troops are the rabbits.
If their support of cryptobro social network Nostr wasn’t a huge red flag, Mullenweg’s stamp of approval surely is
That sounds like a slip of the tongue. Surely she meant a Silicon Valley anchored off the coast of Europe like a pirate ship, running rings around the EU’s flat-footed dirigiste regulators and cashing in like bandits. Also, AI and blockchains.
The 6% are probably bored people who think that everything is awesome in America, and when they join they’ll get awesome big cars and guns and rockets and superheroes and a Disneyland and cool flavours of Coke they only have in the US.
No ActivityPub-based services are really private. There is no mechanism for end-to-end encryption, access-listed posts, or even true DMs. ActivityPub is intended as a microblogging-style publishing service with interaction built in, with privacy not being in the spec’s scope.
Maybe some day they’ll retrofit privacy to the protocol, but that would involve reengineering it to handle key management and end-to-end encryption, which would be a hard problem.
If you’ve ruled out any moves towards rejoining the EU, yes.
Unless “fix” means “into a totalitarian neo-Maoist state”. If anyone defeats the US, they’re not imposing liberal democracy.
Strong Matt Mullenweg energy
Spicy watermelons
Nice try, officer…
In a few years, we’ll all be buying them from Ukraine. That and drones.
That’s a lot of drones that could be utilised more effectively, such as by destroying highly flammable targets like fuel stores, oil refineries, caches of ammunition and such—more bang for the buck, literally and metaphorically—or choke points such as maintenance facilities.