Hi all. I been searching and testing things all day and haven’t had luck.
I was able to setup fallout tale of two wastelands on Linux mint and it runs great when I run it via MO2. But I want to make a desktop shortcut for it.
The desktop shortcut button in MO2 makes a shortcut in the compatdata C. Copying it to my desktop and running it lauches protontricks asking me which game to run. I only have 3 and NV as options here and neither do anything.
If I run steamtinkerlaunch to create desktop icon nothing happens.
I have to run steamtinkerlaunch mo2 start then run TTW from within MO2.
It’s not a big deal but if anyone has ideas to get a working desktop shortcut that’d be nice.
I also may want to do this on my steam deck later which means I’ll need a way to run it from gaming mode which I imagine would be a similar issue.
for anyone reading this you can install mo2 and vortex via steamtinkerlaunch was the easiest and stable for me the lutris installers were really outdated and crashed all the time
100% STL makes things so easy