Hey everyone,

I’ve deployed a feddit.uk specific instance of wefwef at app.feddit.uk

If you haven’t heard of wefwef before, it’s essentially a mobile UI which you can deploy as a PWA to your phone, the link for the actual app is here https://wefwef.app

So that we don’t rely on wefwef servers, I’ve deployed a local version which should be faster as it runs on the same server as feddit.uk so is essentially a second UI to the regular web app as I’ve limited to feddit.uk only at the moment.

Thanks, Tom

  • FelipeFelop@feddit.uk
    2 years ago

    Me too, it’s astonishing how quick it is and how often it’s updated. Plus it offers lots of things that current Lemmy apps don’t. And you can migrate your data from Apollo