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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • Yup, they started to force me to drive to an office where none of the people I work with are, now that’s the only place I do work for them.

    Used to think about and work on projects after hours if I found them interesting or realized a solution I hadn’t thought of. They’ve shown me they don’t care about my comfort, so I don’t feel the need to care about their problems either. The work will be there tomorrow.

    They’re so divorced from reality that they think we’d just give up extra hours of our lives for commuting and keep up the same work output. Fuckin nope, going switch to doing the bare minimum it takes to keep you signing checks.

  • If people don’t wake up, “deregulation” is going to defang the fda, epa, and other agencies that were set up because people were being hurt and killed.

    If you don’t know about it, look up “the poison squad” - people were putting things like borax in food because it made it prettier, it took a guy literally feeding volunteers various things people were adding to food to prove they were poison. There were no rules for what you could sell as food.

    If you want to feel really sad, look up “swill milk” - babies died being fed it because it had such little nutritional value. It often had chalk mixed in to make it appear less watery.

    Capitalism encourages people to hurt others for personal gain. We need these organizations to keep a lid on the worst of us.