• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Morally i am with you but please don’t destroy your only support group just because they are dogmatic and fail to provide adequate support.

    I am not saying you have to stay with bad people but most likely they the family means well but is misguided dumb there will be future opportunities for mental help and a more gradual path to independence, a supportive family of their own may work better long term.

  • Language and definition are a part of culture and subject to change though. (TIL: a word for a definition that is no Longer in use is archaic)

    There is also my own interpretation of information.

    I do wanna make a quick note that i am very aware of the difference in how i feel about stuff and how it is commonly perceived It is however my experience that such conflicts does not remove the reality of the subjective experience.

    I would not actually say its troubling me or that i am in distress but it was simply an observation of inner discomfort associated with the expression of which i correctly assumed other neurodivergent must have sensed it.

    So having leveled that pitfall (attempt):

    Following wiktionary the definition of weird can portray to one of the following:

    1.	Unusually strange character or behavior.
    2.	Deviating from the normal; bizarre.
    3.	Relating to weird fiction (macabre speculative fiction).
    4.	(Archaic) Pertaining to the Fates.
    5.	(Archaic) Connected with fate or destiny; able to influence fate.
    6.	(Archaic) Pertaining to witches or witchcraft; supernatural; unearthly.
    7.	(Archaic) Having supernatural or preternatural power.

    I believe many on the spectrum have experience expressing 1 and 2

    Personality i would call republicans sick. I think they are perfectly reasonable if you consider that they have a completely broken perspective of reality.

    Greed, inflated ego, lack of empathy. They are illnesses because they are undermining the survival of our species as a whole.

  • If you’re name is Karen you have a right to express your discomfort with the Karen meme.

    Not every expression of discomfort is an attack on the source of discomfort.

    I am not asking anyone to stop doing what they are and i express i understand that what is happening is positively effective.

    Are you asking me to not share my feelings in an autistic community because you believe the feelings don’t apply to a large enough population? People have on this post expressed that they do feel similar to me and are sharing perspectives on how they they are dealing with this feeling. That alone justifies my reason to share.

    Have you considered holding up a mirror and reasoning that this post and the personal feelings i express do not revolve around you and your commentary serves of no value besides devaluing the experience of beings who do relate to the subject matter?

    Peace be with you stranger.

  • I came to similar conclusions,

    Its my experience and observation that there is always a more intelligent perspective that we aren’t aware off and because if that we can never truly know to be right or correct.

    A nice example is the plague masks. Flowers in a snout because sick is in the smell. I a modern laymen knows that is bullshit but also that it was reasonably effective.

    I am still an idiot on the matter compared to a modern expert. So is a past expert compared with a future expert.

    Our understanding of the world works for us within the context of our awareness, which is limited.

    I call this truth by approximation.

    If you think about it, you don’t plan what hand to grab a handle with, we may do the same task with a more or less efficient posture depending on how we feel.

    We are everything but exact entities. Mammals, especially humans have a very high and fast approximate intelligence.

    The crux is that the neurotypical is most often correct in a not perfect way and so am i.

    But they do it the establishment way, mine is nova.

    My drive tells me to work with them, lay information side by side and create a new better understanding of reality.

    All they hear is how some know it all questions the established way that everyone else is fine with, and pushes some absurd personal ideal on them.

  • Why? Does 95% of digital advertisement even serve a single valuable purpose?

    I get that websites need funding and that legitimate business require some way communicate their services exist. We need to solve the problem for the former and create specialized accessible safe spaces for the later.

    When is the last time anyone here saw an ad for a local business, when is the last time anyone recall willfully clicking one? Was there actually anything useful there?

    From what i recall ads almost always are one of the following:

    • sex, barely legal drugs and predatory video games. (Lumped together to make a bad pun)

    • real product/fake price: oh this item isnt in stock plz look at catalog

    • politics, buy our guide to get rich, actual illegal scam operation.

    None of them are honest or respectful to the customer. People aren’t prey, stop baiting.

    Admittedly, for me this is personal. Autism means i experience the extra noise as painful. Plastering it on useful websites feels like a hostile attack to keep me out and unwelcome. I downright refuse to look at watch nor will i support them through ad free subscriptions to the point of it having become a digital disability.

    But come on, can we smart online people really not figure out something else that isn’t based on literal brainwashing.

  • Well you could always just use the proper name. The cc license in question IS anti commercial. A great deal of ai is opens source and non commercial and to those cc is fair game. But if commercial is where you draw the line then envoking this license may do.

    This comment is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International)

    Calling it “anti-ai” when its not removes power from your argument. Your invoking something that does not exit and linking to something seemingly unrelated.

    Now the bigger question i have, have had since i have seen people do this.

    Why is there still not an actual anti-ai license? Seems obvious that there is a need for it? I dont know much about how licenses are created but it strikes me as odd.