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Joined 2 days ago
Cake day: March 10th, 2025

  • I mean, if that’s what makes you feel fulfilled in life, you do you.

    I can say that I’ve spoken with a lot of elderly people looking back on their lives and it’s nearly unanimous that they all say they’d wish they’d spent less time at work and more with their family. I’ve never once heard someone say the opposite.

    I’m in my late 30s, so still pretty young, but with a bit more experience than you. I can tell you that your employer will never care about you beyond what financial benefit you bring. They’ll never be there for you when you hit hard times. They’ll never help support you when you need it. They’ll never be your shoulder to cry on or provide you emotional support. That’s what friends and family are for.

    Focus on your career if that’s what you want right now, but be mindful of where you might be in 10, 20, or 30 years or where you want to be. Finding a partner in life doesn’t just happen because you’re successful in your career or expect it should. You need to put effort into making that happen. If you don’t know what you want out of life, now is the time to experiment to figure that out. Do you want to be a career-driven person who spends most of their time selling your labor to someone else? Do you want to build a business you own yourself? Do you want to have kids and a family? Do you want to travel and experience a lot of the world?

    These are questions only you can answer for yourself. You don’t need to have the answers now, but now is the time to start figuring out those answers.

  • After the obvious mistake on the first attempt, I really wouldn’t trust that this is any more accurate or fool-proof.

    I once tried to get ChatGPT to make me a spreadsheet of all 50 states paired with their population, minimum wage, and a couple other pieces of easily searched data. I was mostly just trying to get the AI to do the tedious searching and data entry so that I could then manipulate the data as I wanted.

    It could not give me a list with all 50 states. The first attempt only had like 41 states. When I pointed this out it was all “Oh, I’m so sorry. You’re absolutely correct. Here’s a list with all 50 states.” But it only had like 45. I kept correcting it over and over and it kept giving me a new chart, claiming it had all 50. After like 15 attempts I just gave up. I think the worst it ever gave me was 33 states. It got up to 48 one time, at which point I noted exactly which 2 states were missing. The next list included those 2, but only had 46 total.

    It’s so unbelievably bad at simple things that I have 0 confidence it’s any good at anything more complex.

  • I don’t agree.

    These fascists are all following the political ideology and strategies laid out by Curtis Yarvin under the pseudonym Mencius Moldbug. He’s been in the orbit of people like Peter Thiel for 10+ years and has been very influential among the tech oligarch crowd.

    His vision centers around creating a tech-oriented monarchy for America. At the top would be the president who would operate more like the Chairman of the Board in a corporate structure. Rather than governing on a day-to-day basis, this President/King would appoint a CEO to oversee the actual management of government. That’s the role Musk has taken on.

    Trump appoints Musk to do the actual running of the country to accomplish what Trump wants accomplished while letting Trump seem above the fray (at least that’s the intention, Trump is too incompetent to actually stay above the fray). Musk isn’t a red herring. He’s not diverting from anything. He’s just the guy doing the job so Trump can go golf all day.

  • I agree with the overall point here, but starting it off with “Someone on TikTok said…” (or really, any variation of “Someone said…”) just completely undermines your credibility. Just say “There are more kids with measles…”

    Don’t bother with the wishy-washy “someone said” nonsense. Confidently assert your point rather than attributing it to someone else. If you’re unsure of the facts and don’t want blowback for posting something inaccurate, either verify the facts yourself (it’s not hard or time consuming) or just don’t post it.

  • Obama was only voted into office because he is an extremely charismatic and charming person.

    I think it had more to do with the conditions at the time. He was one of the few politicians with a national following from either party who had always vocally opposed the Iraq War. His chief opponent in the Democratic Primary was Hilary Clinton, who had voted for the invasion in 2003 even though she was opposed to the war by 2008. On the Republican side, McCain was still saying in 2008 that his vote to invade was a good decision and that he’d do it again.

    It’s hard to remember now, but the Iraq War was a MASSIVE issue in the primaries and early general election in 2008. The country was almost unanimously opposed to it by that point, including Republican voters. W Bush was massively unpopular, and that was dragging down the entire GOP. Then the Great Recession hit and Bush/the GOP took the entire blame since they’d he’d been President for 8 years and they’d held the majority in both houses of Congress for most of the Bush presidency.

    By that point, a corpse with a (D) next to their name could have defeated McCain. Obama is absolutely incredibly charismatic and a once-in-a-generation political mind. But 2008 was also a perfect storm of factors against the Republican Party. There was virtually no way a Democrat could lose that election.