Is this a public transmission? Or the video was leaked?
Is this a public transmission? Or the video was leaked?
I am sure they also don’t want soldier to discover that if they surrender, they will be treated humanely, so all the regime lies will remain strong and uncontested
They should use Mercury. It’s metal, just like tinfoil hats, but liquid. Very effective
We really live in a weird timeline. Glad there’s a missile less not killing children
With a thick smoke noone will be crossing the bridge, so it’s safe to bomb.
(/s but not too muchI guess)
So that’s a bridge. They can get the coordinates very simply just from google maps. Ukraine jas access to modern western weapons which I assume are gps-guided. How effective really is a smoke screen unless Russia is able to jam gps signals over a 19km long bridge?
I wonder why they escaped… They come from the most oppressive country in the world and suddenly they are trasported in the middle of Europe. I guess many places would be happy to take them. If I were one of those soldiers, I would learn how to say “I surrender” and “I know where russians troops sleep” in ukrainian
Booby trapping violate the same traties, especially hiding explosives in food. If ukrained wanted to commit war crimes, they would choose the smart way, this is just idiotic russians feeding lies to idiotic people
Looks like a field that can be cultivated, maybe they wanted to preserve it? Or simply too close to infrastructure or civil areas? Or they removed the charge and detonated it while keeping the rest of the bomb to study it? I don’t know, just guessing, would be curious to know as well
I think they are dependant, but they don’t want to be brought down to mud. That’s why they try everything to not actively participating in the conflict, limiting to let russian troops pass trought but bot sending belarusian troops. If they attacked, the people would burn Lukaschenko alive
Apparrently the kursk region has been heavily fortified since the very beginning of the war. So either are not as effective in building defense, or they sent all the defending troopa to be massacred where ukraine was attacking before (russian controlled territories)
As much as I don’t like such advanced weapons capable of killing hundreds or thousands in a single blow, they are used in the “appropriate” way and are so much better than cluster munitions that leave behind deadly unexploded granades
I know that Russia metodically tried to eradicate any language and accent that is not Muscovite russian. But I guess it’s difficult to remove every small bit of accent
The US will force them to act
If he decided to do it, any country he flies over should really play him the Belarus trick of force-landing the plane and arrest him
That would be nice, but Europe would not accept it in fear of angering Putin
Could it be a fake ukrainian video to umiliate the Kremlin?
Might also ne deliberate. Russian army told the guy to not dress as press, so he would get killed and Russia could cry “they killin press!”
You are probably right. Still, I guess China would count on pubblic perception being against fighting for different foreign countries at the same time. People don’t like war and if you want to start a war you want to make sure the allies of your enemies are as less likely as possible to intervene. Of course that does not consider the incredible strategic importance of Taiwan
Agree. I use NewPipe and csn easily open YouTube linkscin my instance, but cannot if they are posted on random instance. I would have to manually copy the video code, which I definitely won’t do.