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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I can’t believe it’s been a year. Damn. I really didn’t think I’d make it. I half worried I’d go crawling back.

    My last two comments, one year ago were, “Memmy for Lemmy. Been happy all day.” (though voyager is my app these days) and, “Thank you. I already love it. I hope this is where all of the old heads go.”

    That was a response to my introduction to lemmy.world.

    I meant it when I said I was leaving. I wasn’t 100% sure I could make it after using Reddit for so long, but here I am.

  • Ah, yes. I see. My friend, when you serve the one true religion you feeeeel it deep down, as though god is talking through your feelings.

    You can’t just allow people from false religions to galavant around claiming they are part of the one true religion. And, see, since we’re all immortal (at least in the true religion) this world doesn’t matter really, except where religion counts.

    Gaaaaaaah. The whole world filled with people with perfectly good noses, and yet they breathe through their mouths.

  • Would be cool if us humans didn’t do evil shit like pretend to treat syphilis just to watch each other die. We wouldn’t have such terrible distrust if dumb shit like, “We hired prostitutes to bring men into a room and drug them so we could learn if mind control is a thing.” didn’t happen.

    I’m from Appalachia, I watched every man in my beautiful little town go from caring for their families to wandering around begging for drugs and then beating their wives overnight because some jackasses decided to go all, “Awww no, this isn’t just synthetic heroin. It isn’t addictive! Modern science saves the day!” so they could ride around in private jets and have museums named after them.

    I understand the antivaxxer. There are people who fuck with the lives of their fellow humans. They do it for all sorts of reasons. Money, curiosity, sadism.

    Of course some people are hesitant to trust people they don’t know and worry that it’s manipulation all the way down.

    Are they dumb? Yeah, sometimes. Probably most of the time actually. So what?

    I’m standing here watching my babies cuddle on the couch right now. I’m not smart enough to understand what modern vaccines are doing or how they work. I can get the gist. I have to just trust that people are better now and evil people are the exception to the rule. I definitely don’t want my kids to get illnesses that will make them suffer or kill them, so they get their vaccines. Sometimes from the same companies that doomed my childhood.

    For idiots like me with no education, whose families were destroyed by big pharma, no shit people are skeptical.

    Hopefully someone smarter than me comes up with a solution for that distrust by making everything transparent all the way down. It will have to be that way to fix it. Even then, some people are going to believe they’re being lied to.

    When you’re poor, or a minority, there are a lot of people who believe that YOU DON’T MATTER. It makes navigating the world a little bit more difficult, that’s for sure. Sometimes that kills your kid with a preventable disease.

  • It just proves to me that people are people.

    How can we get to the root of our problems if we continue to group people from different regions as separate and distinct?

    We’re all the same species. We’re humans dehumanizing humans to make killing humans easier under the leadership of a tiny fraction of our species fighting to go down in history. Same as it ever was.

    Even when we do our absolute best to be good to each other, we still break ourselves into groups. “You can’t wear braids, that’s cultural appropriation!” The person who says that means well, but ultimately we have to stop treating each other as, well, other.

    The only thing that makes us any different is actually something that we should strive to see as similarity. That is which individuals from which time influenced what area and how that don’t really matter and was just luck (or bad luck) of the draw.

    So what if 3,000 years ago some dude thought it was cool to paint stripes on his face and wear a big hat which lead to millions painting stripes on their faces while wearing big hats over there in a distant land.

    It’s the same damn thing as some dude over here thinking that a white wig and a big frilly shirt was rad and millions following in his footsteps.

    It really is simple. Our cultures are built from people who came and went before us and folks following them and spreading the rad (or ugly) shit they did.

    Our culture has to reach a point where it is considered a collective and shared human culture.

    Who fucked who, where, and how much influence they left on their descendants and how much we give a shit about the where isn’t helping us. If an alien abducted 10 humans from different regions they wouldn’t even give a thought to how our history separates us. They’d just have 10 of a species from the planet earth.

    I hope we get it together one day. It breaks my heart that those people are suffering so terribly right now. The malnourished kids in those photos remind me of the ones from the holocaust.

    It would be nice if the people in power could relate their suffering to that of their grandparents. It really would.

    Sorry I’m all over the place.

  • Man, we all just suck. We really do (humanity, that is). I sat here and tried to refute your point (the one about creating shrines for racists) and I just couldn’t do it.

    I don’t want to see them destroyed. Whether we like it or not, the civil war was a huge part of our history. I just wish we could get to a point where we all agree that symbols are symbols of their time and no one hurts because of them. I wish we could solve the leftover systemic issues and move forward as a species.

    Wish in one hand…

    As for the museum thing, their whole point is the preservation of history.

    I know that my little local museum would be more than happy to dedicate a corner to the statue and have a guy dressed in grey talking to visitors about Robert E. Lee. They offered to take it if the vote went the other way.

    Also, it would look fine at the local confederate cemetery.

    Racists are gonna racist. I wish they’d stop, but burning all the swastikas in the world wouldn’t stop them from making a new swastika and gathering over on Nazi hill to talk about racist things.

  • I believe that we should take the statues and move them into museums dedicated to history. We can’t change what happened before we got here, but we can clean up leftover shit and make the future a better place to live.

    In my town there is a huge confederate statue on the courthouse stairs. We had the opportunity to vote to remove it recently and the yes vote made up around 4% of the total.

    People were pretty passionate about it. I personally like the statue. I don’t know anything about the man depicted by the statue, but he was a handsome and cool looking fella. The statue is a testament to the time that has passed in this little town that I live in. The earliest photographs of my town feature that statue prominently. I feel like I can connect with all of those people who built my town down through the years when I look at it.

    I’m not black. The fact that I find the statue aesthetically pleasing is a minor and tiny little thing. I was among the 4% of people who voted to have it removed because when I put myself in the shoes of a black man entering that courtroom, I can hear that statue say, “Hey boy! Reckon you’ll get a fair trial?”

    I enjoyed your story. Thank you.