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Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • You’re really missing the point. Nobody would say “the ‘goal’ per se is decreasing attendance to events like this”.

    They did exactly what they set out to do. Make a public spectacle that people write news stories on and then the public talks about it. Normalizing discourses of these issues and drawing more attention and support to addressing them.

    People who are already of the corporate lapdog mindset that any inconvenience to them about social, political, and environmental issues should just go away won’t have their minds changed. But nobody wants to change their minds, they understand these people won’t change.

    But young people especially will be drawn to support causes and invoke change when they are constantly reminded that their future is being destroyed around them, instead of just buying into distractions and ignoring it all.

  • Apt username, Problematic Consumer.

    Meta is cancer. You don’t let cancer grow and see if it ends up maybe causing issues or killing you. You cut every trace of it out as soon as it’s detected.

    Meta has never done anything to show it is a corporation that acts in good faith. In fact it has proven time and time again it is actively acting in bad faith, against people, community, and privacy interests in order to drive profit with no regard for anything else.

    Kill the cancer before it kills you.

  • So, like, obviously you’re a fucking idiot but beside that what are you even talking about? I’m not going to bother reading your unhinged reply, but seriously, it’s not like anyone is up in arms about this in the comments or frankly care all that much.

    Why was it a concern? There’s a valid question, it was an unidentified white powder it could have been something dangerous. Okay there’s a reasonable explanation.

    But again, nobody really cares. Wow, people use drugs. Gasp. Get a fucking grip. I’ve found most people who are critical of government leadership using drugs are critical of the hypocrisy, not the drugs themselves, because they understand prohibition is taking away their liberty. Actual liberty, not the kind of hate mongering fascists call liberty.

    If people actually cared about something like this happening in China, I’d wager, is because it would be surprising somebody would be brave enough to obtain cocaine and then bring it into a government entity in a totalitarian regime where literally fucking killing you is the punishment for possession.

    But again, not gonna read your reply. There’s actually an instance for idiots like you, maybe go find lemmygrad so you can be coddled in your safe space with like-minded shitbags instead of bringing your weird shit here.

  • Cheating is simply a losing arms race. Client side monitoring may be a deterrent for the lazy cheater but it won’t be enough to stop them. Only thing I see actually being viable is server-side machine learning to detect and monitor anomalies and suspicious behavior. (I don’t know much about this in actual practice and this is just some wild speculation)

  • Exactly my reaction as well. The only ‘benefit’ she lists that I can truly see is ‘greater visibility into the code everyone else is working on’ but frankly that seems like it could be a burden as well.

    Sometimes you don’t need to know. If your team organizes it’s projects and assignments well, you very well may be able to work on your small piece and integrate it without really needing to know every little thing every other person is working on.

    With frequent commits branches just seem like an easier way to resolve conflicts as well as speed up the ability for others to test and merge their changes while you can resolve issues with a build.

  • “We have investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.”

    It’s a good thing Texas is on its own non-federally regulated energy grid or someone might have lost a few dollars spending money to weatherize and properly maintaining it.

    But its not like they could have known after it failed in 2011 that not bothering to address the issues causing those failures for a decade would leave it susceptible to another failure. It’s obviously the customers fault for relying on the system to keep their families warm in freezing temperatures and not booking a flight to Cancun to escape the ‘once in a lifetime weather event’ that Texas has seen several times in fractions of a lifetime.