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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2023

  • Schumer got temporary safety from prosecution - he knows the Trump FBI is about to go after the leaders of the opposition, and he also knows just how much insider trading and lobbyist bribery they’ll find in his bank accounts. The threat of political prosecution is terrifying to generic corporate Dems because so many of them are actually corrupt af. The corrupt ones are the ones falling in line.

    I still think some Dems are genuinely fighting for the people.

    It’s going to be easy to spot them. They’ll be the ones actually fighting.

    It’s possible the whole party is compromised and both Democrats and Republicans are working together to end democracy. But in that case we’re so completely fucked it’s worth the gamble to support the Dems who at least seem to be taking leadership positions in the opposition. At least for now.

  • Republicans control all three branches of federal government, and are using that power to dismantle and privatize the entire federal government, and this author’s suggested response is #walkaway.

    Give your money to third parties that have no influence in federal politics whatsoever.

    Impose a leftist purity test so strict no elected Democrat can meet it.

    Withdraw support from congressional Democrats who, as shit as they are, are the only people in a position to slow the Republicans down.

    In other words: abandon the Democrats to their fate and accept complete Republican control of the federal government in the hope that whatever leftist third party they come up with will be allowed to compete in a fair election? Will even have a fair election to compete in?

    Sorry, but the time to redirect energies to leftist third parties was 2021, not 2025.

    What we need now are more people like Bernie - people with the guts to fight Trump - in Democratic leadership positions. That means finding the Democrats who are fighting back the hardest, encouraging them to fight back harder, throwing our support to them and against Schumer and the appeasers.

    The Democrats may be shit, but they’re the only opposition party we have.

    We can talk about building a third party when the existence of a second party is safe again.

  • If you want to understand why Schumer and Dem leadership caved to Trump’s budget yesterday, read this article.

    Trump is promising political prosecutions of his most prominent political opponents.

    Schumer believes him.

    Schumer doesn’t have the guts to take that heat.

    Schumer - and the Democrat old guard in general - made their bones in an America where political opposition to the ruling party came with little or no personal or financial risk. Schumer and his ilk built careers and comfortable fortunes, enjoyed the financial benefits of corporate lobbying, dabbled in what was technically insider trading and tax evasion and campaign finance violations, secure in the knowledge the FBI would pursue only the most egregious cases of fraud and they could enjoy the benefits of power as long as they didn’t get too greedy.

    And now Schumer is looking at an America where political opposition comes with very real personal consequences. Where opposing the ruling party means law enforcement will go through your record with a fine toothed comb looking for skeletons to drag out of your closet.

    Civil rights warriors of the 60s signed up for that. The men and women who risked beatings and jail time to march against segregation aren’t going to back down from threats of prosecution now.

    Leftists and anarchists signed up for that. The people who risked arrest to protest George Floyd’s murder, who marched in protests where windows were smashed and cars firebombed knowing Patriot Act provisions could see every one of them charged as terrorists for the actions of a few - people who know the FBI is monitoring them already and looking for an excuse - aren’t going to stop just because Trump confirmed rhe FBI is out to get them.

    Fat happy pampered Senators who’ve never seen the inside of a jail cell in their life?

    Fat happy pampered Senators who’ve been getting rich off dubiously legal campaign donations and insider trading for decades?

    Yeah, they’re going to back down and submit to Trump rather than risk making themselves a target of Trump’s FBI.

    And yesterday they did.

    An America where the opposition party leadership is the target of political prosecutions needs leadership willing to risk those prosecutions. Willing to lead the opposition from jail if that’s what it takes to stand up for what they believe in.

    Fighting authoritarianism means risking your life and freedom for what you believe in.

    Current Dem leadership don’t have the guts.

  • Quick history moment:

    The US government has always treated politically motivated vandalism as domestic terrorism.

    The FBI defined Earth First!, Earth Liberation Front, and similar radical environmental groups as terrorist organizations decades ago, because they spiked trees and burnt subdivisions and SUV dealerships.

    The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act makes it an act of terrorism to vandalize a factory farm or animal research lab - even nonviolent protest that “intimidates” employees is illegal.

    Some of y’all are acting like burning car dealerships was protected speech before Trump. Come on.