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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • People answer phones?

    It’s a meme among people that know me that you pretty much have to leave a message if a text won’t do. I genuinely can’t remember the last phone call I answered. Thinking back, it was when my dad was having surgery, and they give calls with updates. That was maybe three years ago?

    But I’ve been doing that since I got my first answering machine back in the nineties. I fucking hate talking on the phone. Even as a teenager, if it wasn’t someone I was having sex with, it wasn’t going to be a long call. The only exceptions were my two best friends, and my grandmother. One grandmother just didn’t call to chat. The other only called rarely, and you don’t fucking ignore your grandmother. Neither grandfather was going to call either. My mom’s dad would drive over if he wanted to talk about something with one of us. The other was dead.

    There are two people I would answer a call from, my wife and my best friend. But they’d never call outside of an emergency because they know I hate phones for talking. I probably would for my dad, but he hates phones almost as much as I do.

  • Eh, I don’t personally care.

    But it could lead to nastiness as lemmy expands. If enough people go to the trouble of looking it up, you get some of them being assholes because people are prone to being assholes. That leads to drama. Drama leads to nastiness and worse things sometimes.

    If that’s going to be part of how lemmy works, so be it, I’m way too old to skip using a block list for assholes. But it might bite federated services in the ass, so it probably should be on the list to get implemented.

  • Tbh, while the split you’re proposing would be nice, I think the prevalence of various hard and soft paywalls is so high that the “free” version would be kinda useless. It isn’t like lemmy as a whole isn’t used to bypassing paywalls and/or using extensions that block popups.

    I’ve had no issues with the bot as is. It’s actually a really useful bot as-is.

    But, if whoever is curating the bot wants to do the extra work, it would be broly as hell of them.

  • Yeah, I agree with druid as the base. She did a shapeshifting duel with one of the archchancellors, as well as her borrowing, and that’s the class that uses it the best.

    But don’t forget that she was a hedge doctor and midwife as well. She’ll want healing proficiency. She’d have some kind of bonus for perception with humans imo, even if it was DM fiat rather than a class skill.

    But she’s definitely multi class since she pulls off a huge time manipulation ritual, can planar travel (at least if you count her going into the realm of death to retrieve Tiffany Aching as planar travel), and similar feats that would normally be non druid types of spells.

    There’s also This little adaptation that might help

  • The only thing that surprises me is that anyone is surprised.

    I don’t intend that to be snarky, more jokey. But, yeah, it’s pretty much common knowledge. Not the first time they’ve expressed unpleasant opinions on the subject, though not quite this bluntly. There was a minor kerfluffle over it not too long after the reddit exodus.

    And it isn’t unexpected tbh, that’s a pretty bog standard tankie take, if perhaps a tad more trope filled.

    To me, lemmy is kinda like a less important version of the Apollo missions. You put up with someone unpleasant because they can get the job done, until things get to the point it can be done without them. German scientists, tankie devs. Yeah, yeah, von Braun wasn’t a “real” nazi; whatever.

    At some point, either lemmy gets enough movement to get a less extreme team on board, it gets forked, or something else comes along.

  • Yeah, this is the wrong place to post this. It’s tangential at best to technology as whole.

    That being said, it is an important issue, and I would suggest posting it in the places another user suggested.

    I have a whole mini diatribe about formal english vs colloquial and how formal will eventually catch up on this matter, but this isn’t the C/ for it. So holla at me if/when you post it elsewhere and you’re interested in that take.

  • The porn fairy was, very often, more of someone quickly dumping something they didn’t want found.

    However, the really big piles were sometimes a person’s little self-love spot away from their home, for one reason or another.

    My grandparents lived adjacent to a big stretch of woodland. A half hour hike away from their house, and there was a run down old shack that had hundreds of various magazines. Just the slowly decaying stacks of playboy were astounding in number, and went back decades, though with plenty of gaps.

    Best guess on that one was a specific gentleman that had owned the land, or his son. The overgrown path that was barely detectable led roughly towards their house. Considering the rather fiery and hyper-religious nature of the lady of the house, it could have been either, though if it was the son, he had picked up a lot of old issues at some point. Which, some people do.

    But there were penthouses and hustlers too. It was kinda crazy.