Here, the issue. People don’t feel like small instances would live for long and migrating do not transfer the old posts so people feel more safe subscribing to the large instances
Here, the issue. People don’t feel like small instances would live for long and migrating do not transfer the old posts so people feel more safe subscribing to the large instances
You had decades to try to make effort to end the two party system before trump went to election. You keep supporting those two imperial parties destroying multiple countries and overthrowing multiple democratically elected regime all over the world. Besides 3rd parties voters all the rest of you are complicit to this genocide and the election of the pro fascist
With a simple resesrch you could find protests supporting palestinian but you just another person pretending that you care about gaza and even sudan https://uscpr.org/pro-palestine-protests
I mean egypt didn’t have to do anything for israel to to attack it in 67 . Israel will always find excuse to do so.
My comment is about advocating to call out anybody or any entity who do terrible things and you have the audacity to say that i don’t care about human lives. Can you also tell me what is my ideology?
Israel could have decided to not occupy palestine in 67.
I don’t feel sorry for most. They have decades before trump to work of a multi party system, instead most keep voting for the same two terrible parties and blame 3rd party voters instead
True but how many?
You can’t condemn a bad person or entity because another one will do more bad things? What kind of logic is this? Do you really care about palestinians or you just defend your democrat cult?
The copium is thinking that Biden,harris and trump wouldn’t try to outcompete each other is supporting Isrsel
To answer your question yes, i think so. Even if it doesn’t it is the right and moral thing to do.
You said that presidents has no power biden was president and now trump is. How can’t you not understand somw basic deductive reasoning ?
Look at how you contradict yourself. You claim that biden can’t do anything because Israel make their own decisions and that the military controlling presidents but then say because trump is going to make Israel do worse things to gazan. Please stop act like you are smarter than everybody who disagree with you
Nobody said that idiot. You gave dumb excuses of biden support to israel. So stop acting like you ever cared about palestinians
Yeah he have no power at all to the point of bypassing the congress to give melitary aid to israel.
It was negligence and understandestimation of hamas capabilities rather than a plan rather than a deliberate choice to allow the attack
Come on, don’t act like you don’t know what he mean. He just mean thst Biden he is responsible by giving arms and diplomatic protection so Israel can bomb gaza
What would you make think biden or harris would have blocked such a plan?
You can expect everything from those dictators
You a fool if you think so. Resistance groups will start operating and attacking Israel from egypt. Egyptian week economy can’t sustain the coming of 2 millions more people. Also egypt admistrated gaza before it didn’t turn well
Buggy and offer no interesting unique features. I regret paying for it. There is no indicator of new interactions on the bell button, liked posts doesn’t always shows as liked, i often scroll when i listen to music, music stop when the videos on pixelfed is muted.