Alternate account for @[email protected]

  • 88 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023

  • Everyone: I wish Mozilla would just focus on their browser and not their other BS

    fast forward to them cutting costs on a Mastodon server that nobody uses


    Threads like this make me wonder why any corporation would bother with the fediverse when this is how most people are on mastodon

  • Outside of benchmarks it’s really not as big of a deal as openAI wants you to think it is. In most cases it’s slightly better than Claude, except it uses 50x the tokens repeating info to itself and is way slower. There are a lot of people that tried o1 online and are posting screenshots of it making basic mistakes or gaslighting itself in its chain of thought. Not to mention you only get 30 messages PER WEEK since it’s such a waste of energy.

    It’s a desperate attempt by openAI to stay relevant now that competitors and even free models are catching up.

  • So basically “there weren’t enough mean spirited reviews on Cosmic so I’ll write my own”. The OP can say he doesn’t like it without making fun of the fanbase and trashing the company for checks notes reporting people’s positive experiences.

    Sooo… Cosmic is for the tiny sliver of users that want a DE… that tiles? Or those that buy a System76 machine and never change the DE?

    Those that are fed up with GNOME and/or are looking for an alternative DE are a huge chunk of the Linux userbase. That’s literally why they created it. With Gnome reducing customizability and having 5-year old bugs never get fixed and breaking necessary extensions every update, it was warranted.

    it feels like the developers are already riding on the endorphins from all the praise and forget their software is after all in a rough state.

    Why? They have public milestones and bug trackers while things seem to move at a good pace. At no point are they just sitting on praise doing nothing.

  • I understand that with wine/proton prefixes they should be installed to a “fake c:/ windows hierarchy” can I just compress that and copy to a different Linux machine?

    Yup, your save games are in your wine prefix so feel free to back them up and just use them again. Note that the game itself isn’t necessarily in the prefix, you could have installed it elsewhere.

    Does it save which proton version was used?

    I don’t think so, but it shouldn’t matter. You can change versions any time and it’ll just update your prefix.

    If I use something like Lutris or bottles can I import into them?

    Yes, you can set the prefix path to that folder you copied and it should pick up where you left things.

  • Terraria and deep rock galactic are good starters, but this post sounds insanely paranoid for the wrong reasons. Just because you got infected with malware in the past doesn’t mean you need to lock down your internet access. You’ll gain nothing from it. All you need is an adblocker (+ something that blocks trackers) and not running suspicious files.

    Just because you’re connecting to a remote server (like any website ever) doesn’t mean you’re susceptible to attacks. Ditto for almost any modern video game, there are protections in place so nobody can run code or send you harmful files on your machine.