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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • We should stop voting for people who promise to dismantle said services. We also really need to move towards a basic income setup instead of having all of the hoops and paperwork for people to prove they are eligible for whatever it is. In the USA people going on disability are always denied even if they are a paraplegic. We would spend so much less money and other resources if we just made it available to everyone with no proof of eligibility needed.

  • Telegram doesn’t use vpns to bypass access restrictions. There have been multiple attempts to block/ban telegram and they inevitably fail because of the way the internet is designed. And as I said. If you have access to the greater internet you can probably access telegram but I am guessing you don’t use it and didn’t use it before the ban so you have no need to try to access it now.

    Telegram uses proxies and has a setting in the app to attempt to work around blockages.

  • Seriously. You need to pull your head out of your ass.

    My wife got really lucky with this company. They are not run like most. They are actually based out of one of the Nordic countries (don’t remember exactly which one) which explains why they do things the way they do.

    You need to start reading and understanding what people are saying to you. The limit daily is 10 transcripts. Sometimes that takes longer than 8-9 hours, sometimes way less. When someone is done, they are done and not expected to do anything more even with a huge back log. If there is a backlog and someone steps up to do one or two more to help out, my wife and her boss usually figure out a way to give them a half day or another full day off at some point. And if you don’t offer, it’s not held against you.

    If I could sit still long enough I would have no problem working on one of the teams that work with hers.

    As for the time off. Yes, she takes time off and is getting better about taking more and more.

    I’m done here because I don’t need to defend them anymore and I know I can’t change the mind of a zealot. The company is alphasense and you can look it up if you feel the need. Based on this convo though, I doubt you would be a good fit with them.