He can decide, and his middle managers can decide, and you can also decide by choosing to shop from somewhere else.
He can decide, and his middle managers can decide, and you can also decide by choosing to shop from somewhere else.
On the other hand, if everyone in the world had your lifestyle the world would be much more wealthy and could make a lot of positive changes.
I think the answer is yes.
Amazon is very much not a monopoly. There are thousands of online retailers. There are also a lot of delivery services, no idea if there are thousands, but there’s a lot.
Correct, the vast majority of people don’t care.
Got a link to a good project of that type? I’ve been thinking about this recently.
The incentive is already there, it’s just prohibited because of zoning and building codes many places. All the government has to do to fix this is stop getting in the way.
Pretty much a fact, with slightly fuzzy details.
I know in the US, if we taxed 100% of all US billionaire wealth, dropping their and their companies’ productivity to zero, you could fund the federal government for only like 7 months. You’d squander tons of production for comparatively little gain. The problem isn’t that we don’t tax the rich enough, the problem is that we waste money left and right.
Yes, all ancestral land claims are ultimately at least a little bit silly.
The information is out there if you wanna find it. The truth is most people don’t care, though. That’s on us.