The choice of policy ideas is weird but the strategy of snap elections can reinforce the party’s power until the next election if it goes well. It’s like squeezing your electorate for more power until the balance shifts in the other direction
The choice of policy ideas is weird but the strategy of snap elections can reinforce the party’s power until the next election if it goes well. It’s like squeezing your electorate for more power until the balance shifts in the other direction
We’ll wait until 7.7.7 so all of the religious folk switch to linux
For me the archwiki is for getting started with a program. I use the gentoo one when I want to customize the experience
Interrupting someone for me is something to apologize but I do understand it would depend on the context
I find it useful to stop the cycle by saying something like “sorry, before I forget…”, and then add your opinion to the matter. It’s a timing game, you have to try and get your voice heard sometimes.
If you bump your comment with another person, you can give them the time and then speak your mind. Most people remember you were going to add something. The only inconvenience is when you forget what you were going to say but I don’t think people would mind if you are the first to talk sometimes
This script will unmount the problematic drive and try to mount it to another place /tmp/myprecious
, a temporary place.
Then, as it says, will attempt to read and then write to the drive.
Finally, it removes the file it wrote to test writeability, unmounts the drive again and removes the temporary mount place.
The scripts needs root access to mount and unmount and possibly to write and read.
Please don’t run a script you found on the internet with root access without knowing what it does.
The pasting of random commands is something wikis should avoid. The best option is saying the command and then explining what everything does but this is something that happens pretty rarely
Sometimes there is so much configuration options a GUI would scare most users. Or as you said, a GUI may not be feasible or useful
It happens to me sometimes but you can hop instances and usually it ends up working
Thank you!
Last I saw, you had to compile it from source, can you drop a link?
What about innocent until proven guilty?
Sir, we have proof you look like a drug dealer, you have to prove you are not one
Uh oh, the things you are buying look pretty suspicious, we are going to wiretap your house to make sure you are not doing any no-nos.
I really dislike people using technology to analyze my habits, I prefer just stumbling onto things I like because they were around the places I usually look. Yes, I also don’t like algorithmic content, it just makes people try to appease the algorithm, meaning less effort into the thing they do
I don’t think coding in C is basic stuff, depending on the IDE, you can learn about using the terminal, compilers and if the course gets far, memory allocation, a really important tool in Linux programs.