peto (he/him)

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • I’m not saying you are wrong, but its: A) not necessarily a matter of expense, but one motivated at least in part by ideology (can’t let the union win) And B) mainly about perceptions. If people believe their job and possibly future employment opportunities are at risk, they are more likely to break. Scabs aren’t necessarily unskilled, they are just people who have decided the cash is more important than solidarity.

    In an ideal world employers would realise a content, healthy, and properly compensated employee is better for the business and the economy in general. In reality they are going to keep cutting corners until the whole thing falls apart because line goes up.

  • Yeah, as I said it’s going to be based on region. If you are served out of a store you can at least go in and have a look at how well it is run and how well things are kept stocked. The pickers pick off the same shelves as regular shoppers there. CFCs are a bit more of a black box but in theory they work better because you can run everything so much more smoothly and predictively. In practice though pickers there are far more overloaded and there is less ability to break from the plan and there is just less backstock in general. If someone drops a case of jam then that might be all there is until tomorrow.

    Only real thing you can do is give them a go. It’s worth remembering that Tesco and Asda are independent, but Morrisons, Waitrose, M&S, and Ocado might actually be working out of the same site.

    The other option is meal kit delivery. I know some people who use HelloFresh and they seem to be generally pleased with it. There are some mistakes but they keep using them so it can’t be terrible.