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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I’d be happy to write you a poem about meters:

    In every line, a rhythm beats,
    A pulse that guides our wandering feet,
    From soft iambs that gently sway,
    To trochees bold that lead the way.

    Anapests with a quickened pace,
    Gallop through with urgent grace,
    While dactyls, with their falling sound,
    Plant roots deep in the fertile ground.

    The syllables dance in measured time,
    A metronome of verse and rhyme,
    Counting out the poet’s heart,
    Where every beat becomes an art.

    In meters, life’s cadence is found,
    A melody both soft and profound,
    For in each measure, strong or sweet,
    Resides the music of our feet.

  • Sure! I’d be happy to help with that:

    In the forest, where the shadows play,
    Among the leaves of gold and gray,
    A squirrel leaps from branch to branch,
    A tiny acrobat in a woodland dance.

    With eyes aglow and tail held high,
    It races beneath the autumn sky,
    Gathering acorns, one by one,
    A treasure trove before winter’s done.

    The wind may howl, the trees may bend,
    But the squirrel’s journey will never end.
    With nimble feet and a heart so light,
    It chases the day into the night.

    For in this world of bark and pine,
    The squirrel knows the forest’s rhyme,
    It lives in the moment, wild and free,
    A tiny soul in a grand oak tree.

  • I’ve run into exactly the same issue with my large ttrpg ebook/pdf collection (+100k file data hoarding… it’s not a problem, I swear) and I’ve not really found a good option I’m entirely happy with. Calibre duplicates everything and I don’t like the thought of having my collection’s organization tied to a specific piece of software if I just delete my duplicates. Plus I’m elitist and think the UI/logo are gross to look at.

    Zotero is the least worst option I’ve found, but it’s geared towards scholarly journals and such, so not great, but serviceable. Not sure if it’s on linux though.

    Jellyfin is apparently able to handle ebooks with a plugin, though I didn’t particularly care for it when I tried it months ago.

    There’s a handful of other ebook software out there, mostly geared towards comics/manga, so depending on what you have those might be worth looking for.

    I’d like to use Obsidian for it and just turn the directory into a vault and let it automatically scan the folders for files, but that doesn’t work great either.

    The best piece of software I’ve seen that could potentially handle it is an app called Stashapp… which is unfortunately geared towards adult film. But it’s feature-set if it could be applied to PDFs seems like it would be ideal.

  • I have a Kenyan friend with a conspiracy theory that the people killed were from the protests that Kenyan had not too long ago, that it was actually the Kenyan police who killed them and that the serial killer was just an actor or somebody paid to confess to a made-up serial killer story. Maybe they even added some older missing persons into the mix to clear up some old cases. Crazy theory, but I’m sure they’d say that this new development was just them covering their tracks. Either the killer disappears, never to be seen again, or they wind up dead, never to talk again.