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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I dunno, I just read an article about that country’s political debate from last night and it didn’t mention this point, it was mostly discussing how angry that bloke got at the other politician and how overall it seems like it was a bad night for him and a good night for her.

    The specifics were a bit overshadowed by the perceived importance of the event and it’s outcome itself, I think.

    I’m sure in the coming days some more details will flow out of the USA and we’ll hear some discussion of specifics where they concern us, like their politician’s stances on the war in Europe, I agree. I’ve just not seen it mentioned just yet is all.

    But it’s only 7am and I think the debate was in the middle of the night, so I shouldn’t expect much yet haha :-D

  • Every politician in every nation should be banned from having any side business or income of any kind, including after retirement, to avoid potential conflicts.

    (E.g. an MP being offered a paid seat on a Landlord’s Association for when they retire, which would conflict woth their duty to serve the people whilst an MP)

    The government income and pension should be enough to live on so that these issues can be avoided.

    If you want to become a public servant, that’s a high calling that you undertake to serve your nation, and there are some small sacrifices that should come with it.

    It should NEVER be a potential avenue for fame or riches. It should be a sacrifice you make to serve the people and country you care deeply for.

  • In a nation so riddled with poverty, strife, and failing public services, where most of us are struggling just to keep a roof over our heads and get our serious illnesses treated, is it any surprise that things like this fall through the cracks?

    It’s these sorts of issues that a first world nation should have the time and energy to focus on improving.

    Unfortunately these days we’re a second world nation that still thinks it’s a first world nation. Heck, a not insignificant portion of us still think we’re as important as when we were the British Empire 🤦‍♀️

    We’re delusional, we need to have a reality check on our new, smaller place in the world, and on how successful and wealthy our economy and our people actually are.

    Once we come to terms with how weak and feeble we have become as a country, we can refocus our efforts based on reality - not on a fantasy of our past glory, and then hopefully backlogs like this can slowly begin to be dealt with ❤️

  • there didn’t seem to be any […] imbalance of power

    Ah yes, I’m sure those old women were cleverly hiding their assault rifles and military training, and that there wad in fact a balance of power between both groups - the old, unarmed women, and the truck of young armed military men.

    I’m not saying they were being awful or anything, I do agree with you overall, just that there’s a clear imbalance of power here is all, and even if they aren’t pressing they power, it exists.

    Even if it were 10 strapping young lads talking to the military fellas there’d still be an imbalance of who has the power between both groups, because one side has guns and knives and knows how to use 'em.

  • Stop the far right events in your area

    That’s the police’s job, not a civilian like myself. If you’re able to tell me when and where these events will be, then the police are aware and will be in attendance.

    Do you really think I’m equipped to subdue someone like the bloke that chased a muslim out of a petrol station near me today with a CHAINSAW…?

    The police are trained, equipped and legally in the clear to attack such people. I on the other hand am not. I will not be attending the far right riots and attacks to attempt to stop them.

    There’s standing up to racism, and then there’s being reckless with one’s own safety.

    I agree with the idealist sentiment of standing up for goodness and counter protesting of course, but let’s consider reality for a moment. These are riots, not protests (or protests that are on the tipping point of becoming riots).

    At best, our attendance to what - mock, jeer and antagonise the far right rioters? - won’t go down well, and could easily lead to even worse violence. At worst, it could lead further, to deaths or life-changing injuries.

    Let the police do their jobs. We can fight back in so many other ways that don’t involve physically confronting an angry violent mob in the streets.

    Stay safe <3

  • These lot are fascist tossers, but let’s be fair, you can love your country, want to see it change for (what you perceive to be) the better, and fight the establishment because of that.

    Take dissident Germans in the 1940s, or those setting fire to government offices, recruitment centres etc in Russia today. They love their home and their people, and want to change it for the better, and they believe this is their best chance of doing so.

    I don’t think that’s what this fascist rioting lot are up to of course, they just want to smash stuff and be dumb racists.

    But I think it’s important to remember that often we rush to frame extreme acts as inherently bad or unpatriotic, because we’re on the opposite side of things, or don’t have the full context of the situation.

    Especially now, as so much propaganda is pushed down our throats these days - much of it stemming from our government - about how being an “extremist” is automatically evil, and not worth reading further into.

    I’m an extremist for example, because amongst other things, I have the extreme opinion that we should nationalise all essential national infrastructure (water, gas, electricity, public transport, internet infrastructure, postal service, and such).

    Am I evil because I’m an extremist, or is the government just trying to paint “extremists” as evil in order to suppress opposition to their way of doing things? Hmm.

    Anyway thanks for listening! :-)

  • Is this any surprise? The rich won’t allow any politician, let alone major political party of them, grow to any real level of power unless they are aligned with their interests.

    Politician refuses to side with the rich? Well then, they’ll find their funding dry up, their message not getting out in the news, or any online media algorithms, with their more rich-friendly competitors receiving all that support, until their path to any real political office is dead.

    By the time any political candidates or party get to run the actual country, we can assume they’re in the pocket of the rich ruling class (and often are members of that class).

    So, why then is it surprising that the government and their various lackeys are doing what they can do protect the interests of the rich, to the detriment of the rest of us?

    The system is completely broken from its very core.

    I don’t have a solution to suggest, I wish I did, but while I do still vote, it’s clear that voting makes very little difference in the end - it just lets us pick which colour scheme we prefer, where we want small amounts of the budget shuffled around to (to make it look like they’re actually doing something), and which version of rhetoric we want shoved down our throats for a few years while what they actually do is work to protect and empower the rich.

  • I could find common ground with an invading space alien.

    Doesn’t mean I’m going to act like that means it’s appropriate for me to work with them or claim they’re not evil.

    I keep hearing about this Lammy guy being a right knob.

    …Certainly be seems stupid - just because you follow the same organised religion as someone else and come from a similar socioeconomic background, doesn’t mean you’re even remotely anything alike.

    It’s a good thing this guy who doesn’t understand how people work (or is lying about it) isn’t in charge of anything important. Right?