They’re just a mouthpiece of the likud party and have been for a while now.
They’re just a mouthpiece of the likud party and have been for a while now.
I’m shocked to see Canadian conservatives Actually side with their country over authoritarian billionaires. Like I’m downright flabbergasted. Never in 100 years did I think they’d actually circle the wagons. I mean I’m still not really convinced, but I have my eyebrows raised.
Money that’s not being spent to arm Ukraine or prepare against potential Russian invasions of NATO countries. What a useful Ploy this has been. Got to hand it to Putin he knows how to use his tools, however decrepit they may be.
You think Joe Biden who said that he was a fervent Zionist and that nobody in US history been more of an ally to Israel than him, and Kamala Harris who basically said she’d do everything he would have done, we’re going to reign in Israel? Good Lord man there’s a difference between optimism and naivete and you have crossed it.
So basically the same as America but behind by 18 months then politically?
Strong disagree.
No I don’t agree with that at all. You see right-wing Concepts all the time if you know where to look for them. Anytime there’s any discussion of protests? Comment section is militantly right-wing. Reddit gets hard that idea of running over and killing protesters. Anytime there’s anything about criminal justice? Nothing a redditor loves more than the idea of locking people up and torturing them. And don’t get me started on any video game subreddit.
Fascist of the world Unite
Oh a member of the Likud party is good with Nazis. That tracks.
The Andean nation opened its first industrial-scale plant in late 2023, built by a Chinese group, and last year signed deals for further investments with Russia’s Uranium One Group and a Chinese consortium, which are awaiting congressional approval
There it is. National resources of Bolivia all the profits are going to go to foreign investors.
Right so calling the guy who endorses and promotes Nazis on his website, who reuses Nazi rhetoric and who uses Nazis symbols on camera is reckless?
Now that’s how your protest.
I understood your contention, I just don’t believe it.
None of which has been tested. It’s very easy to claim all that in times of peacetime. When it comes time to go fight for someone else is when the real rubber hits the pavement.
Right back at you with the Absurd hyperbole.
Everything’s just a treaty at the end.
That’s a lot of faith to have in treaties. Historically Nations tear up treaties of the drop of a hat. They’re only as valuable as the vested interest of those involved.
It’s all going to depend on if the rest of NATO can hold together. They have to plan for 100% no American Aid. Though I wonder how incredibly damaging having a US general be in charge of the NATO forces will be in that regard. Will he actively sabotage NATO defensive efforts?
Really went on a limb on that one didn’t you?
That’s the dark secret that no one really wants to talk about. We’re all genocide enablers. Every single person decided to enable genocide. You didn’t vote? Genocide enabler. You voted third party? Genocide enabler. You voted for Harris? Genocide enabler. You voted for Donald Trump? Whew boy, genocide enabler and then some. No matter how you cut it the American populace has and is enabling genocide. Every single fucking one of us.
I think that’s why there’s so much rancor on this topic. People don’t want to admit that to themselves. I enabled genocide. You enable genocide. Everyone in this thread enabled genocide. Till we all admit it acknowledge that we’re not going to move forward.