What is that latter fallback called? I set up my boot manually using an EFI stub last time I installed arch but wasn’t aware of any fallback bootloader
What is that latter fallback called? I set up my boot manually using an EFI stub last time I installed arch but wasn’t aware of any fallback bootloader
I think neovim with kickstart has out-of-the-box support for go, or if not, should be configurable with two added lines (add the treesitter parser and LSP). Unlike nvchad and lunarvim and stuff, this is not a “distribution” of neovim but a good starting point for a config that makes it easy to slowly learn how to add stuff and change stuff as you see fit.
At the beginning, you can add languages that you need support for pretty easily by adding to a list of LSPs and Treesitter parsers that should be installed; later on you can start adding and configuring plugins as you wish.
I’d say it sets you up about the same level as Helix or a little less than VSCode.
Why? The quotes will be consumed by the shell when you execute the command, unless you do like "'{}'"
My solution for this has been on my Linux machine, using keyd, to swap alt and super, and map super+c, super+v to copy and paste. (I also map super+L, super+R, super+T and super+W in Firefox to the control- equivalents using keyd’s per-application bindings functionality)
Switching it at the terminal emulator level should work fine for every CLI/TUI though, right? Just have your terminal send 0x03 when you press C-S-c and copy selected text on C-c. I haven’t tested it but I’m sure that alacritty, wezterm, windows terminal and probably tmux can do this.
I love the idea of using multiple font faces at the same time while looking at code. I wonder if (hope?) terminals will one day soon support switching fonts with control sequences… Would be pretty awesome!
It looks like it’s not an actual height difference, but the smaller width makes the second i look significantly smaller than the first, also implying a lower height.
This is a great deep dive! I am curious how difficult/slow it is to extend the modern xterm interface. For example, I saw that some terminals now support squiggly underlines for errors. What would it take to build a terminal (and associated interface) that supported things like text size? (Of course it would break a lot of applications that treat the screen as a two dimensional grid)
Last time I used warp it also wasn’t super customizable. I like messing with the prompt and stuff. I wonder if that’s changed. I did get a t-shirt from them for doing a user interview though :)
For a mainstream press article about science, it’s pretty good. I do wish they had touched on the failure of recent experiment to verify some of the theoretical particles predicted by the standard model.
The fact that they edited the foam is ridiculously petty
I don’t write, but the Neorg project seems to be getting some attention from writers
I created a variant of Monokai/Monokai Soda called Monokai Vapor, available in the marketplace :)
In the statement from the NGO they threaten legal action. Is there grounds/precedent for such a thing? Don’t you use open source code at your own risk?
Thanks for the detailed explanation, makes a lot of sense! I guess what I did was set up a UEFI entry that specifies the location of the Linux kernel without any intermediate bootloader. Pretty sure I didn’t set the fallback, so I’m guessing that’s still owned by windows.