It’s going to take a long time for Americans to understand and accept what they actually need to do to protect it and by then, the cost may be more than they are willing to pay.
It’s going to take a long time for Americans to understand and accept what they actually need to do to protect it and by then, the cost may be more than they are willing to pay.
Oh no, no, you can vote, just make it through the American Ninja Warrior of voting bureaucracy, easy! Also taxation without representation doesn’t necessarily mean you voted for your representative, only that there is someone who represents you. When a dem or repub is votes it o office, they represent their district, not just their voters. Not functionally, of course, symbolically and that’s legally good enough.
If they wish to further disempower themselves, I’m all for it.
Interesting quote sick whose who refuse to fight until it’s too late end up trapped in situations where their only method of fighting is non-violent resistance. They literally slide into it because it’s the only form of resistance they are comfortable with. In order to resist a dictatorship, they need to become part of it, and letting it happen accomplishes that goal. It’s weirdly circular. Or I’m more high than I think.