The mosquito likely evolved to try, but the body evolves to defend just the same. Your irritation is your own body’s immune response after all.
The mosquito likely evolved to try, but the body evolves to defend just the same. Your irritation is your own body’s immune response after all.
I was just about to make a case by saying, “Hey man I know we define adulthood at 18, but these young adult brains still aren’t fully developed yet and they seem like gullible frat bros groomed by the excitement of being a part of something, maybe they’ll come to regr—”
… Then I saw, Kliger’s authored articles include:
"Pete Hegseth as Secretary of Defense: The Warrior Washington Fears.”
"The Curious Case of Matt Gaetz: How the Deep State Destroys Its Enemies.”
This fucktard is a true believer.
DOGE is literally an example of government waste and inefficiency through needless duplication.
The GAO already exists.
“Federation”? Wtf is this, star trek!?
I’d genuinely be interested in having a neuroscientist analyze his brain via mri / eeg.
An interesting study of self-identifying conservatives and liberals revealed conservatives had larger amygdalae and shrunken anterior cingulate cortices. This translated to greater fear and disgust responses and reduced empathy and pattern recognition.
He definitely had this no BS progressive streak he amplified ahead of his election. He had a massive stroke, then turned increasingly conservative – seems to track. Alas, the cause doesn’t matter. He revealed his true colors.
Seems we were double-crossed yet again akin to Sinema.
I’m glad it seems that many democrats are quitting their Gatekeeping bullshit with AOC.
So frustrating to see people so concerned about the perception of some strawman caricature the right manufacture for our best fighters that we turn on our own. If it wasn’t obvious, they attack her so relentlessly because they fear her and know her potential more some of our own.
Yeah you’re probably not far off. Similarly, I held my nose and voted for her as well. She was obviously the better choice, if only because her legacy was tied to a platform that at least on paper was significantly better than the alternative (e.g., climate change).
Alas I raise Hillary because of the double-standards of her buttery males versus this which is infinitely worse — yet, naturally, not a peep from conservative circles.
Because we know they’re hypocrites and ends justify means to them.
Somewhere, Hillary Clinton is laughing.
Shocking surprise that the deep state was the GOP all along.
More hilarious when considering the US Military is an inherently socialist institution.
My sister and brother-in-law will go to the commissary, stay on base housing, get their paycheck from the US Govt., receive public Healthcare, and the GI Bill, then promptly go home and post on Facebook about how socialism bad.
German be like that with verb kickers.
What am I going to do with the object!? Tellllll me!!
Not only that, that’s not the first time he’s done that. He’s had practice.
Right doesn’t it feel like seeing grown ass adults believing in Santa Claus?
Ok but I just want to clarify before we valiantly and romantically take the fight to fascists…
… Did you muster the courage to vote for Harris, return2ozma?
Nordic Dem here. I’m not opposed. Until you’re in a position to actually change the rules of the game it would be dreadfully fucking stupid to limit your supply for the war effort hinged on an overgeneralization when there are billionaires who seek to change the system for the better.
Does anyone truly believe Dems can win without big money of their own in the face of players like Musk dumping $70 million into PA on a whim? Fuck no.
If you disagree then you better have a very fucking solid, tangible plan to take make media and advertising without $, post-citizens united no less.
“finishing the job,” as Trump instructed.
When incels have complete control, basically.
“People to people are so unjust.”
It’s like we forget we’re all the same species flying around on the same rock in these cosmos.
Democracy resisted for quite some time despite glaring problems.
See the Business Plot of 1933 that was undermined by a Medal of Honor-recipient and Major Genearl, Smedley Butler whom they tried to recruit for the coup.