Cry more Putin
Cry more Putin
What kinda shit?
Thank you. I’m not sure if you recall, but in the news (not sure which site but I’m assuming some Israeli one) they portrayed an attack on some Israeli base as “murdering teenagers”.
Those “teenagers” were 18 and were enlisted to the IDF. Those were soliders killed, not just some random teenagers off the street.
:Points to 70+ years of oppression:
“Attacked all the time” yeah I bet theirs people dying left and right in Israel right? People struggling to survive? No, that’s the victims of Israels attacks.
I bet you think that attack on the Israeli military base was a terrorist attack right?
How to know someone is a racist piece of shit 🙂
The only reason the Middle East has any issues is because of western countries invading, corrupting and colonizing.
Well except for the president part lol
Israelis have to do the most strenuous mental gymnastics to justify the existence of their awful regime.
Well if it’s anything like radiomaster controllers, you can program certain buttons to do whatever you’d like. I’m assuming pulling a trigger for a gun is possible.
We going to be pirates now?
You’re acting as if they gave Gaza a freedom, they did not. They controlled all of their water and electricity, and all imports and exports. That’s not freedom, that’s an open air prison. And for the people of West Bank, they live under total control over the Israeli oppressors, they have no rights. I bet you would fight for your rights if you didn’t have any. But of course you think all Palestinians are animals, keep acting like you care.
So what does “defend itself” mean?
You said its okay for Israel to defend itself. Thats one of their many excuses to kill people. You don’t defend yourself by bombing innocent people. You support Israel and their atrocities, thats acceptance of people being murdered and that isn’t right.
I love how being a bigot is when someone tells your “ethnic group” to stop genociding. Thats crazy I guess you’re saying the holocaust was fine because it was perpetrated by an “ethnic group” (Germany, if you didn’t get it). Stop saying killing people is okay.
If you cared about them you wouldn’t want to rip them away from their homes. You said it’s not okay for groups to be violent, why is it okay for Israel? Killing civilians doesn’t count as self defense. Israeli and Zionist aren’t ethnic groups.
Oh yeah I bet you’re a champion for all races, I bet you love Muslims / Arabs right? Israeli and Zionist aren’t races, you aren’t special.
You know if people care about reposts so much then maybe lemmy should check for you before you post.