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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • if you’re into that, just wait till you hear about alcohol and cigarettes! Anxiety, paranoia and panic attacks seem fine compared to Cirrhosis, COPD, Emphysema, Cancer, Stroke, Renal Failure, Kidney Failure, and Fatty Liver Disease. All of them painful, all of them deadly.

    But god forbid people smoke some weed 🙄 They might in very rare occasions get a temporary increase in anxiety!

  • amid increasing concerns that the lack of a ban on use is promoting drug abuse by young people.

    This fucking backwards ass notion of weed as a “gateway drug” needs to die. Their reasoning for calling it that shows their idiocy, in that it’s called that because it’s cheap and harmless, so they think it will lead to people believing other drugs are similar. Imagine branding something as dangerous because it’s (Checks Notes) cheap and harmless.

    Although from personal experience, I’d say that weed is a gateway drug of sorts, in that if you’re addicted to something far more dangerous (like alcohol), using weed can act like a “gateway” to sobriety.

  • When I traveled through Europe, I left Netherlands on a train, and ended up in Sweden with a couple hash joints left. I found a secluded area near train tracks to smoke, and even then it’s like I could feel the illegality of it. It was made worse by the fact that everyone walks or bicycles there, so random passerbys kept coming along making me feel tremendously exposed. 1/10 would not recommend.

    On the other hand, smoking a hash joint and chatting with friendly strangers in the weed cafe’s of Amsterdam was sublime, 10/10 definitely recommend.

  • Man, high sex is so good though. For me, it’s like I get tunnel vision around the sensuality, enveloped by sexual desire, where the only thing that exists is my partner, and for that time we are purely sexual beings. Every touch elicits goosebumps, every nerve at attention, like my entire body is a sexual organ in the throes of hedonistic pleasure. I never feel more connected to my partner, and for some reason it also lends itself really well to aftercare; like, once we’ve cleaned up and/or caught our breath, I just want to cuddle and continue to feel the safety and comfort of their warmth.

    Truly the best kind of sex imo

  • Not telling the prisoners their date of execution seems unreasonably cruel, especially considering that some inmates have been subsequently released/exonerated. Their reasoning of “not causing the inmate undue stress” is just incorrect, while the idea that “their victims didn’t have prior warning” is steeped in a thirst for revenge and retribution, rather than justice. That’s some Code of Hammurabi level thinking that only retards social progress.

  • When the U.S. gives military aid to Israel, the Israeli government is not putting that money in its pocket. The vast majority of the money that the U.S. allocates to Israel each year must be spent on American weapons. That is true, in general, for American military aid to other countries, such as Ukraine.

    Those American weapons that Israel purchases are produced in factories across the U.S. So, many American lawmakers have an interest in sustaining that aid because that money ends up flowing into their own states and providing local jobs.

    They use taxpayer money to give business to the defense contractors that they’ve invested in. It’s a kickback, to themselves.

  • “It isn’t crime because it’s the use of violence to create intimidation, to spread fear. That is terror,” he wrote, describing how the campaign had “significantly expanded” in the absence of an adequate police response and with the connivance of some national leaders. The militants had gone from using “cigarette lighters to the weapons of war”, the security chief said, adding that some of those weapons had been provided by the state.

    Wow. Leader in the isreali military saying that violent terrorists are using weapons provided by isreal expressly for the purpose.

    Remember kids, you only get state sponsored terrorists from terrorist states. isreal is, by its own admission, an apartheid state engaging in terrorism.

    Meanwhile, the democratic nominee for president is forced to re-assert that she believes “isreal has a right to defend itself and we will continue to support them with weapons to do so,” specifically because the terrorist state peddles its influence over seas via dark money super pac AIPAC. A terrorist state is legally abusing campaign finance laws in order to sway our elections and politicians. Thanks citizens united! Thanks republican supreme court! Now we’re ALL sponsoring the ongoing isreal terrorism!