A trademark does not prevent a person from using a term in a non-commercial setting, it does prevent other companies from doing so.
A trademark does not prevent a person from using a term in a non-commercial setting, it does prevent other companies from doing so.
I think you misread the post, which is about whether XY chromosomes even matter as a measure.
The specifics haven’t been provided but it was said she tested within the normal range.
Is that even the right measure? If a woman born with XY chromosomes can have a uterus and give birth naturally, what use is it?
She tested within normal testosterone levels for a woman which is significantly lower than the range for men. 15-70 vs 300-1000 ng/dL
Install atop, basically ‘top’ on steroids with history… It defaults to capturing performance data every 5 minutes, I usually change it to 1 minute on production systems.
Did you… Kill-a-manjaro?
International and UK law are similar in this regard…