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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I think when if it would have been evacuated in time there would still be news coverage

    People just love reading and therefore clicking stories that tell them that electric cars are bad and they should just continue buying gas powered vehicles instead of considering a change

    Same as with that tanker that burned out on the coast of the Netherlands with some EVs on board

    A lot of stories where covering it in a way that implied the fire was because of those EVs when in the end the level where they were stored was among the very few that was still intact - but that didn’t make the news…

  • I mean the effects of climate engineering as pretty much impossible to predict completely. I’m not sure you can even rule out for sure that it’d effect Africa if they did some climate engineering in Alaska.

    Even if you have most of the factors - with those kinds of things there’s always an off-chance that it interrupt bird migration and that fucks up something else and then suddenly it has an impact on air temperatures and a lot of stuff changes.

    Relying on climate engineering instead of trying to prevent the catastrophe that’s coming is just stupid…

  • Yeah. Hamas is using the citizens of Gaza as human shield from day one. It was impossible to fight this way with 0 casualties. I was only asking how that person imagined an appropriate response if even a single dead person was too much.

    Bibi should be gone today rather than tomorrow - but Israel clearly had a right to respond to what Hamas did and the fact that Hamas was playing dirty all the time makes it impossible to respond in a way that doesn’t cause civil deaths.

  • SEO is wrong - it’s like an arms race where the shittiest party spending the most wins and every one else needs to play by the rules to even exist.

    The world would be better off if noone did it in the first place and search engines could just do the job they intended to do.

    Google totally went to shit in the last years with their first page often full of websites great at SEO but horrible in whatever you were actually looking for.

    Meanwhile the little ultra-specific forum that had a thread years ago about your specific search and no money for SEO is somewhere on page 5 while websites just repeating the search phrase over and over with no answer in sight are at the top.

    That whole industry can cease to exist from one day to the next and nothing of value would be lost - if anything value would be gained for the average person

  • Also Merkel basically did everything to not change the status quo and her government even actively sabotaged renewable energies and made it almost impossible to invest money into future technology.

    They were even PROUD to not make any debt when Germany was one of the few countries that would get paid by the banks for making debts.

    Now the retirement fund is starting to eat up the available money more each year since the main voting group of the CDU are retired people and they didn’t want to change anything about how that system works even though it’s in dire need of reforms especially with the boomers now getting into retirement.