You shouldn’t need a tool.
In your setting should be an option to export a json file, when you make a new one just upload that file.
You shouldn’t need a tool.
In your setting should be an option to export a json file, when you make a new one just upload that file.
There’s quite a few jobs that aren’t union eligible
Yep, I’m not bargaining unit, so it sucks more than most. And there’s really not many of us
But I still have a shit ton of protections anyways.
there are federal workers that do get fired for doing a bad job.
I’ve fired federal workers, it’s just a year long hassle and giving them every plausible opportunity to improve first.
Even Republican appointed judges are turning against trump policies.
Not everything gets to the supreme court.
Pelosi’s pick for the Oversight Committee didn’t think of it till it was too late.
Don’t be too hard on him, can’t expect much out of a septigenerian actively battling throat cancer, it’s not like there was another choice, it was his turn after all.
Nah, after probation it’s pretty much impossible.
There needs to be like a year of documentation that the employee is just not doing their job.
Because of the union.
That’s why there’s this big push to resign, every tool they have to reduce the federal workforce begins with the word “voluntary”. Probate employees and contracts have reason to be nervous tho.
Even closing USAID, it stops the work they’re doing, but they’re all gonna get huge severance checks or settlements if it really closes. It’s not like the private sector where it’s individuals fighting a billion dollar corparion. It’s multiple unions that are individually some of the largest in the country whose only reason for existence is knowing an incredibly confusing system of decades of regulations…
Versus a couple teenager and college drop out techbros with zero idea what they’re doing.
Same offer that expires tonight, they were just told they’re not excluded.
Apparently 40k (out of all feds) are taking it, but spread out between now and then those don’t match normal retirement numbers.
So it’s a safe bet the ones taking it were already planning on retiring before then, and not everyone who’s retiring trusts it.
Most agencies can’t even say when someone would be released from work duties if they accept.
You can’t openly discuss suicidal feelings with a therapist, because then they can strip you of your rights and send you to a place that might be the hospital out of One Flew Out of the Cookoo’s Nest - and then charge you thousands for the stay.
You 100% can discuss those things, an invol hold is just if you’re showing signs you’re an imment danger to yourself or others.
It sounds like your fresh out and angry, I’m not going to argue with you about it, some suck.
But they don’t all, and I didn’t want your post just sitting there dissuading people from seeking help as that’s incredibly dangerous.
I see a lot of progressives talking about how we got here, how we can fix shit, and how to not come back here again…
But I also see a lot of moderates taunting the victims of genocide…
“The left” isn’t a monolith, despite how much moderates want it, the dem voting base isn’t as blindly loyal as Republican voting base.
I occasionally show up to a college alumni game and shit has changed so much.
Like, the drinking culture was out of control, but socials aren’t even really a thing anymore.
Literally the only reason I joined a team back in the day was for the parties. Good on the zoomers for not drinking as much, but it’s not like the old days.
We used to run thru 5-6 kegs on weekday nights, I was 18 years old picking up kegs from a closed liquor store at like 4am because we ran out. And carrying it blocks back the party for it to be floated in 30 minutes.
“those who played with me know that I do not condone being gay for women in rugby.”
I’ve never been to Fiji…
But I can’t imagine making it to a national women’s team and still being bigoted against lesbians. Its not exactly a rare thing to run across.
Like, at least in America, it’s incredibly common for LGBT to play rugby. Hell, we had a gay pornstar on my men’s college team for a while, we gave him as much shit as anyone else on the team, but rugby culture has always been incredibly accepting.
Doesn’t matter who you are, if you’re dumb enough to join the team, you’re a part of the team.
Oh ok…
This is one of those things where a brand new account attempts to convince people there’s no way to win and we should all give up.
Not many people fall for that these days, so I don’t think this needs my attention
You just replied to multiple of comments of mine across different threads in the span of minutes…
Is this a coincidence thing or did I block your main account and you just noticed and desperately want to restart an old argument anywhere you can?
I hate to ask, but unfortunately this wouldn’t be the first time.
So Schumer and Pelosi arent calling shots?
Did that just happen, I completely missed it…
Last I heard they were still fighting progress and complying with fascists
His rationale for turning republican is that he’s had a sudden mental & cognative decline? He’s actually admitted that?
He spent the campaign before the stroke talking about how progressive he was and progressive policy was the only path forward…
After the stroke and election, he openly admits to not understanding why people would ever think he’s progressive…
Either he’s lying and it was all scam, or he legitimately doesn’t remember anything about his own campaign and what he was saying during it.
Either is a good reason to kick him out of the party (and office), but Dem leadership has only cared about defending incumbents without question. Because most of the Dem leadership represent voters who don’t agree with them anymore.
So if the party stops blindly defending incumbents and starts having unbiased primaries, a lot of Dem leadership will lose their personal power.
Democrats need to do better.
Good to see moderates finally realizing we need higher standards than the letter after a name
Anybody hear absolutely anything from Greg Connelly?
Remember just a few weeks ago Pelosi threw her weight behind him to block AOC because she swore a septigenarian actively battling throat cancer would be a better spokesperson to lead the Oversight Committee?
He does have a quote in the article, but it also points out he missed the window to call musk to testify as part of normal procedure…
We put someone in an important spot to fight fascism, and they dropped the ball and now we all pay the price.
But it was his “turn” so I guess we can’t complain.
The problem with Republicans is their blind support of trump, they’ll always vote R!
Also moderates, often in the same breath:
The problem with Democrats is they want to hold politicians to a higher standard, instead of blindly voting D!
Regardless of who won, the genocide was set to continue.
The only leverage they had to get Biden to stop supporting a genocide was to threaten to withhold votes
When Biden/Kamala refused to listen, some voters held their ground.
Enjoy your protest vote, hope it works out for you guys.
I held my nose and voted D like I always do.
But I understand why others didn’t, and that a candidate who already agrees with their base has a better chance then one who the base disagrees with.
So logically, we need to not keep trying to force a candidate on dem voters who is more conservative then Dem voters.
If you want to yell at people who were chased away from the political process by Biden/Kamala’s policies…
You’re going to have to go find them, they’re politically disengaged, they’re not going to be hanging out in political social media communities.
You’re gonna have to leave the comfort of your couch and do it face to face, go get right up to them and taunt them about the generations of family who have been abused and killed.
I won’t wait to hear back how it went, but I wish you the best of luck.
“Over the past 16 months, the Biden-Harris administration’s full, unobstructed support for Israel’s campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing has failed to remove the Palestinians of Gaza from their land,” Hudhayfah Ahmad, a spokesperson for the Muslim-American led Abandon Harris campaign, said in a statement to Newsweek.
“It is not Trump—just as it was not Biden or Harris—who decides what the Palestinians can or cannot do; that decision belongs solely to the people of Palestine.”
I hope what’s happening to the Palestinian people never happens to you, but if it does I hope people don’t treat you the same when you beg for help for your friends and family who have spent their entire lives under occupation and multiple genocides.
Hopefully someone doesn’t have to write a new poem, but it seems like humanity didn’t learn the lesson last time:
And just leave their poor billionaire donors out in the cold?!
Haven’t you thought of the economy!