• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • To be honest, they seem to be taking a very media literate approach (impressively so, they definitely learned some stuff about YouTube and how to do this kind of thing) to this whole thing, so I kind of get the “farming for views” stance.

    But I get it since that means they are actually getting traction instead of just being a thing that drama YouTube talks about for a week and gets swept under the rug. The video notes he’s a very powerful figure in a relatively small town, so they need media pressure on their side.

  • Ill post this comment here too since it’s the same video, but you might want to put a content warning on this video, it’s pretty rough.

    The first video is largely about him running illegal lotteries, which is pretty terrible given the scale they operate at, but it’s something that the average person might not know about or really think about it being essentially child gambling.

    This second video is an interview with a former employee who was put in solitary confinement for a video that never made it to YouTube because it was actually just them torturing him. Like, legitimate Geneva Convention war crime torture. Constant noise, no idea what time it is because you can’t see the sun, constant lights so you can’t sleep, constant monitoring, and him running until his feet bled.

    If any of it is anywhere near true they need to be sued off the face of the planet in addition to going to prison.

  • I believe you can change the scaling algorithm obs uses? Right click the source and go to “scale filter” is what Google is telling me, not at a computer right now. I think it defaults to bicubic which should be ok though? The switch does its own internal scaling a lot of the time and that can look pretty bad though, but unless you get into some serious shenanigans that’s basically baked in.

  • I had a similar problem recently. I switched to a titanium heat break since I apparently have a habit of tightening the aluminum ones a bit too hard, and it was fine for a while but I started getting clogs basically every print at about the 10 minute mark that seemed like heat creep. I couldn’t figure out what the deal was since titanium should be even better about heat creep.

    It turned out that the machining for the heat breaks might have been too rough I think? Or at least not “perfect” in some way. I had a ton of problems until I “seasoned” them with mineral oil. Basically throw a couple drops in the heat break with it at about 250. Obviously be very careful since it’s flammable. You could probably accomplish something similar with an old school filament oiler.

  • It might be important to put into context that Jon is warming up the crowd before the taping of the show in this clip. Yeah, he probably misses the mark on exactly what was asked, but what is he supposed to do at that point? He’s warming up the crowd. Going out and saying, “journalism and by extension traditional media is dying a slow and painful death at the hands of software companies that don’t care about truth or art using dangerously manipulative techniques and the consequences of that are likely dire for the future of society” isn’t exactly setting the mood they’re going for.

    Given the traction this clip is getting it really wouldn’t surprise me to see a more nuanced take from him in a while that has had more than almost zero thought put into it.

  • Except that nefarious is not a direct synonym for criminal. Nefarious has a subtext of specific underhanded malicious intent, whereas criminal doesn’t have the same intentional connotations.

    If one were to read about a “Criminal website”, it might have instructions on how to make a bomb or something like that, whereas a “nefarious website” is likely to be read as looking normal but stealing your information.

    By calling the sorting nefarious, OP has (likely) unintentionally implied that there is an underlying sinister reason for the issues, which is not likely to be the case.

  • Yeah that’s essentially the system I was thinking of but more something the communities could opt into with each other, and could easily moderate how much and what “meta” content made its way into their community.

    Big communities would probably just share common posts between each other like they might use a mega thread for, small communities might pull more “meta” content to keep activity up. But making it all an opt in kind of thing on the community level.

    The main reason I think it needs to be a core part of the software is just buy in. Like, whatever the solution to this thing that apparently a lot of people think is something or an issue, it needs to be pretty well supported by everyone. Like, apps, instance admins, mods, they kinda all need to be on board - and that probably means something coming to the closest thing this whole mess has to a top.

  • In a perfect world I’d like to see some kind of meta community system where the individual communities still exist but kind of automagically cross pollinate with each other so that users, server, and moderation load is split somewhat democratically. Not going to happen any time soon since it would probably take dev work and they have their hands full.

    Practically what will probably happen is certain communities will become the “standard” ones and others will be smaller versions, just like there were countless “true” subreddits.

    What you can do is subscribe and post to whatever one you like, and then feel free to cross post to other communities. Cross posting works really well on Lemmy.

  • fhqwgads@possumpat.iotoSelfhosted@lemmy.worldVMs or containers?
    1 year ago

    Basically, it’s “why not both?”

    So first, kubernetes is a different ball of wax than containers, and if you want to run it on one machine you can, but it’s really for running containers across a cluster of machines. I’m guessing you just generally mean containers so I’ll go with that.

    Containers are essentially just apps running on a virtual os. Virtual machines are an OS running on virtual hardware. You can abstract both layers and have virtual hardware running an os that runs a virtual os for your containers, and nothing will really mind - in fact that’s kind of the way to do it if you have one big machine you need to run a bunch of services on. You might cut up a server into a Linux VM, a Windows VM, and a BSD VM, and run containers on each one. Or you might run 3 Linux VMs and have the containers for 3 different services split between them.

    It really depends on what you’re hosting and trying to do for how exactly to go about it. Take for instance a pretty common self hosted stack:

    Plex Radarr Prowlarr Deluge TrueNAS

    Now you could install TrueNAS scale and run all of those as containers on it, and it would work ok, but TrueNAS scale isn’t really meant for managing a ton of containers right now. You could make a vm on it for each service and have them all talk to each other but then you’re probably wasting resources by duplicating the OS 5 times. Also, what if you want to run TrueNAS core instead of scale? Can you get everything else working in jails – maybe? – but it’ll probably be a pain.

    Instead, you might install proxmox and pass through the drive controller, and set up one VM for TrueNAS core. Then you might make another VM for the arrs containers, and a third for Plex itself.

    It gets you the best of both worlds. TrueNAS can run on BSD instead of Linux, your arrs are easy to deploy and update in containers that keep everything separated, and Plex is sequestered in a hardened os with read only access to everything else since it gets a port forwarded and is more of a security risk. Again that’s just one option though.

    VMs get you a ton of really handy things like snapshots and for simple VMs, very easy portability between relatively similar hardware. I’ll probably get ruined for saying this but they’re also a security tool that you should probably keep in your belt. If someone manages to break out of a container and your files are just sitting there for the taking that’s not great. If someone manages to break into your VM and “the good stuff” is on another VM that’s another layer of security they have to break through.

    Containers on the other hand use way fewer resources, especially ram - and are much easier to wrangle than many OSes for updates and config.

    There’s really a lot of self hosted stuff that assumes you’re running docker and treats regular install as a kind of weird edge case, so you’ll probably run docker even if you don’t want to.

    Kubernetes on the other hand I would argue isn’t really meant for self hosting where you probably have a one or two servers that you own. Its meant to deploy containers across various cloud servers in a way that’s more automated to manage. If you need storage in a kubernetes cluster you’ll probably use something like s3 buckets, not a hard drive.

    If you want to learn it you can totally deploy it on a computer running a few VMs as nodes or with a few laptops / SBCs as a cluster, but if you just want the services to run on your server in the closet it’s a bit like using a sledgehammer to nail a chair back together. That’s why you don’t tend to see it talked about as much - it’s a bit of a different rabbit hole.