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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023

  • I experienced a bunch of side-effects that pretty much all disappeared after the first ten days. I read online that they cleared up for most people, sometimes taking a month. The only side effect I have now is an increased heart rate approximately 15bpm but it’s still considered in the normal range and exercising helps. I feel slightly less able to focus after a couple of months of taking it, but I’m definitely a lot more productive than I was before so it might just be my perception of the effectiveness. Emotional regulation was my biggest ADHD issue and atomoxetine helped a lot in this area and it’s effective all day long so that was a big plus for me.

  • I also had never experienced runner’s high until I added extremely light runs. My regular runs would usually leave me tired so I thought that I didn’t experience them like other people. I don’t remember exactly why, I think it was I need to hit a higher mileage threshold, so I started trying to get any extra miles in anytime I could, including a light jog anywhere I needed to go. That’s when I finally experienced it. For me, key to the runner’s high was the runs that got my heart rate into zone 2-3 (approx. 60-75% max HR) but importantly weren’t long runs which would tire me out. Tiredness is a big trigger for me to feel shitty so I think that’s why I never had the feel goods after the runs.

  • That’s really disheartening. My blood pressure bounces between prehypertension and stage 1 hypertension so I have to be mindful of how my choices affect it, otherwise I’ll just have another medication I need to take.

    It sounds like your doctor is being careful but a quick search looks like there should be some options to take both Vyvanse and a beta blocker. It’s possible your doctor just wants a baseline BP off of Vyvanse first, before reintroducing it.

    I also find motivation something that takes work. One strategy I use is to write down before bed one big thing I want to accomplish the next day and just a few small ones as well. By keeping the list very small I find it much more doable and everything I accomplish after is just icing on the cake if i’m feeling good about it.

    For tasks I find difficult to start, first asking myself why I’m doing it and then using Chat GPT to help me break down the task into clear and manageable actions helps a lot. If I can get a first easy action done, the next comes much more smoothly. And the great thing is that if any action seems daunting, I just ask the AI to help make it more manageable. If I still feel like it’s not enough and the outcome is important to me, then I ask my partner (or an accountability buddy) for a little help and tell them the next action that’s holding me back. It ain’t perfect but i’ve found chatGPT or Bingchat a big help in organizing and defining unclear tasks. I am careful though of not using it with sensitive or personal info. I figure anything being prompted could end up as public info and is definitely will be data mined.