• 20 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • My mom thought I had bipolar as well when I was a teen!

    Because I would spiral and become so agitated/depressed for no reason. (There usually was a reason. It was usually dumb, and I couldn’t explain why it made me so unreasonably upset.)

    Then other times I would become hyper focused on a thing where I wouldn’t eat/sleep.

    So I can certainly understand why those two things could be confused for mania/depression to a layman.

    RSD, in my understanding, is just a thing that happens to a lot of ADHD folks and not a separate diagnosis. Some of the readings say the fact that we know it’s illogical makes it worse, cause we feel stupid/embarrassed by our actions.

  • If you end up working in the medical/insurance field in the USA, you don’t even need basic math! The numbers the programs output are just all made up!

    I had the audacity the other day to ask in what order we apply deductibles. (YOU want a deductible applied to something covered at 10%, not 100%. The insurance wants it applied to something covered at a100%) I was told it just picks some at random and hopes for the best, so we use the word “best effort” when it comes to estimating what insurance will pay, since they’ll make that up anyway.

    So yeah, just another throwing in that it super matters where you work. At my job we plug in what is industry standard for medical accounting, and say it’s just an estimate on everything else.

  • I mean lots of things are ADHD things, that alone are completely normal! It’s usually the combination or severity of things that lead to something being considered that needs treatment.

    If you find that you are struggling to take care of responsibilities or enjoy life, I always suggest talking to doctor/counselors. Could be ADHD, could be need coping mechanism, could be something else. IDK. But life should be enjoyed and doing adult responsibilities shouldn’t feel like ripping out finger nails (so I’ve been told)

  • Probably depends on state or whatever what requirements are.

    They had me do a test using a VR headset, and I was like “Oh this will be fun!”

    No, it wasn’t. I had to stare at a VR aquarium and press a button based on instructions for 20 minutes like

    “If you see a clown fish, then a blue fish, press the button” or

    “If you hear me say Sturgeon, or you see a clown fish, press the button”

    “Press the button if you hear the name of any fish that isn’t a clown fish, or see any fish that isn’t a sturgeon”

    Apparently I did VERY poorly on instruction switching, with it taking several minutes between tasks for me to get the instructions down where they like bleed together. Also like little kids would walk in front of me, or a phone would ring, or TVS would flash.