You’re not wrong! Alas I am an admin, not the host. Also we wanted it to be very obvious that it’s a game jam about blind accessibility. Could he have picked a different name? Probably, but at this point we’re kinda committed!
If you end up working in the medical/insurance field in the USA, you don’t even need basic math! The numbers the programs output are just all made up!
I had the audacity the other day to ask in what order we apply deductibles. (YOU want a deductible applied to something covered at 10%, not 100%. The insurance wants it applied to something covered at a100%) I was told it just picks some at random and hopes for the best, so we use the word “best effort” when it comes to estimating what insurance will pay, since they’ll make that up anyway.
So yeah, just another throwing in that it super matters where you work. At my job we plug in what is industry standard for medical accounting, and say it’s just an estimate on everything else.
I guess that’s what I’ve been doing, but I just never seem to find things fast enough so spend so long bored between. So guess I either need to learn to find things that are interesting faster, or spread them out.
Ooh good point.
Thinking on which games I’ve been able to come back to consistently, are ones with lots of replay value or are designed to make new runs.
Like Stellaris, you start over all the time for different experiencs.
100 hour rpgs where every play through is identical? Never been able to replay those.
I actually just watched that video!
And yeah I’m basically wondering if I need to force myself to try and order different things off it to try to keep myself from burning things I like.
I mean lots of things are ADHD things, that alone are completely normal! It’s usually the combination or severity of things that lead to something being considered that needs treatment.
If you find that you are struggling to take care of responsibilities or enjoy life, I always suggest talking to doctor/counselors. Could be ADHD, could be need coping mechanism, could be something else. IDK. But life should be enjoyed and doing adult responsibilities shouldn’t feel like ripping out finger nails (so I’ve been told)
Haha yeah that’s how I am most of the time. But occasionally I get the FOCUS on a thing and feel the urge to finish the thing RIGHT NOW.
So would you say my description is accurate? Due to lack of documentation I’m mostly hoping to make sure I’m not completely misunderstanding
An article with actual examples instead of an endless string of jargon! Thank you!
Hahaha yeah it felt a bit on the nose.
I’ll let you guess how often I completely forget to do an important task.
Probably depends on state or whatever what requirements are.
They had me do a test using a VR headset, and I was like “Oh this will be fun!”
No, it wasn’t. I had to stare at a VR aquarium and press a button based on instructions for 20 minutes like
“If you see a clown fish, then a blue fish, press the button” or
“If you hear me say Sturgeon, or you see a clown fish, press the button”
“Press the button if you hear the name of any fish that isn’t a clown fish, or see any fish that isn’t a sturgeon”
Apparently I did VERY poorly on instruction switching, with it taking several minutes between tasks for me to get the instructions down where they like bleed together. Also like little kids would walk in front of me, or a phone would ring, or TVS would flash.
But this is SOO tedious. The annoying bit is it could just be one person who set it up over a weekend, has a script that they plug into when wanting to be a troll, and now all admins/mods have to do more work.
You’re fighting the good fight! So annoying that folks are doing it on freaking lemmy.
It’s in description of the video if you wanna just read it.
Crusader kings 2 is one of the best games ever published by Paradox interactive, and is a super in depth strategy/RPG that I couldn’t even imagine on a phone.
So no.
I will abide by no Crusader King 2 hate!
Edit: Super auto pet slander as well! Many crimes committed in one sentence!
No hackathons from my school, I do game jams, and so maybe doing one using only code and not a game engine would be an interesting challenge. Plenty of game jams where the goal is to have the game be like under 10 megs, so straight code is the only way to go.
I work full time while also going to school so no freedom during summer or anything.
I’ll see if any foss projects look interesting!
If I could get an internship that could pay all my bills I would love one. But I have a mortgage as I’m currently 30. I probably don’t have time for college, my full time job, and a part time internship!
If there are any internships paying around 70k a year I mean I’ll start it in a heart beat XD
Article implies it’s less of new stuff, and more parts to repair current missile defense system.
Which makes sense why it’s critical. Ability to prevent more apartment buildings being turned to rubble is probably top of the list.
My mom thought I had bipolar as well when I was a teen!
Because I would spiral and become so agitated/depressed for no reason. (There usually was a reason. It was usually dumb, and I couldn’t explain why it made me so unreasonably upset.)
Then other times I would become hyper focused on a thing where I wouldn’t eat/sleep.
So I can certainly understand why those two things could be confused for mania/depression to a layman.
RSD, in my understanding, is just a thing that happens to a lot of ADHD folks and not a separate diagnosis. Some of the readings say the fact that we know it’s illogical makes it worse, cause we feel stupid/embarrassed by our actions.