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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I was referring to the comparative death tolls over the course of Israel’s decades long

    alright I’m going to ignore the rest of your antisemitic bullshit and just focus on the ratio you picked, probably also out of made-up numbers (and I doubt you included all the Israeli soldiers killed in wars started by surrounding Muslim nations pretending to act on Palestinians’ behalf), to frame the issue without ignoring what actually happened.

    Over the past few decades, the Palestinians have started every damn war they could against Israel, including two intifadas, suicide bombings, rockets aimed vaguely at civilians (historically, roughly 1/3-1/4 of the rockets fired from Gaza since 2001 landed in Gaza). Hamas has built plenty of tunnels in Gaza, but no workers, because it prefers to see its civilians die because it makes the statistics more gruesome and keeps their control of the gaza strip going.

    Meanwhile, Israelis invest billions into not only technology like the Iron Dome to defend Israeli civilians, but also in warning technology like roof knocking tech, medical tech that it used to save Palestinian lives, including that of Yahya Sinwar, and… Oh yeah, remember the thousands of greenhouses they left in Gaza in 2005 when they unilaterally withdrew? Gee, what ever happened to those?

    So Palestinians:

    • Don’t defend their own
    • Send their own into suicide missions—sometimes, in that history, literally
    • Literally kill their own (and count the numbers against Israel in their often made-up statistics, see the Al-Ahli hospital explosion)

  • ahh yes. Because the Israeli army has literally no options between “relentless bombing of Gaza, denying access to food, water and medicine,

    the IDF turned off its supply of 7% of gazan water for a few days, and is still getting shit for it. Hamas never bothered to maintain the power plant or desalination plant, stole fuel from the power plant that could have been used to keep running the hospitals and desalination plant, and openly dug up water pipes to fashion into rockets. They didn’t even hide that, they were proud of that.

    sniping civillians trying to flee according to your demand on the safe routes you designated

    You know that bridge was Hamas snipers, right? Israel didn’t have a real presence in that area yet, the closest thing they had was a ship that did not fire small bullets. People initially blamed all the bullet-ridden bloody bodies on the bridge on an Israeli airstrike, and then realized that there was no sign of any explosion anywhere on the bridge, and had to change their story. =/

    and bombing ambulances trying to move patients in the same way”

    Hamas said that there were no patients in those ambulances, but the IDF had intelligence that there were, in fact, terrorists in them. This is in keeping with a long-standing pattern going back a good 20 years, Hamas loves shuttling terrorists around in ambulances.

    Israel could have led an infantry assault into Gaza withou pounding everything first. That would have meant higher casualties though and here shows the true nature of Israels government and army.

    I love how, now, people are saying “they should have invaded by land!” when, before the ground invasion began, everybody was protesting the concept of a land invasion and surrounding nations had threatened to declare war if Israel invaded.

    They do not care for any palestinian life. So far for every Israeli soldier that got killed, more than 200 palestinian civillians were killed.

    You know how I know you made that number up? Nobody anywhere has published any number of palestinian civilians that were killed in this war.

    In world war 2 the axis powers killed about 6 civillians for every axis soldier and the allies killed about 1 civillian for every 4 ally soldiers. So the war that was about total destruction and genocide still had more than a magnitude less civillians killed relative to combatants killed.

    Please, feel free to cite Hamas statistics here, I’d love to see if they’ve finally claimed a number of civilians vs combatants.

  • The people of Palestine are not second-class citizens of Israel, they are first-class citizens of Palestine. There is only one level of citizenship in Israel, and all citizens are afforded the full rights of any citizen. Every concession Israel offered the Palestinians was either rejected or used as an opportunity to ramp up terrorism. Look up the Olmert deal. Look up the withdrawal from Gaza. Look up the god damn Peel commission. We’ve constantly been vying for peace, and we’ve constantly been made to regret it.

    There is no slavery in Israel or Palestine. There is no “a part-time” either. If you’re gonna make up antisemitic lies, the least you could do is check your damn speech-to-text.

    Fuck you, I hope you don’t die, I hope you learn the vile nature of your lies and hate and the ashes they leave on your mouth cause you to grow the fuck up.

  • so are you still standing by your claim that the attacks are over? should I continue to cite attacks as they happen? or are you going to admit that the attacks are ongoing?

    Medical care is compromised by the lack of power. The reason Israel cut off power was not to compromise medical care. The reason Israel cut off power was a military strategy to impede production and firing of rockets. I already pointed that out, but you’ve been entirely dishonest about it. You’ll ignore the point again in your next comment, won’t you?

    You linked to a live thread, not to a source specific to water. I managed to find one bullet point on that page about a siege that covers water. I don’t think siege warfare is generally viewed as a form of reprisal. From what I understand, starvation is generally illegal under most treaties, but requires a “high degree of deprivation.”. From what I understand, Gaza is near water, and has access to food and water both internally, via Egypt, via its sea border, etc., etc. So… meh. We’ll see if it actually plays out as a starvation tactic, versus a tactic to shut down supply to enemy combatants and rocket manufacturing.

  • You are missing the point, I have defended my thesis with a couple of facts and even provided a link, your point is only based on assumptions and you failed to deliver any verifiable fact.

    If the link you presented had anything to do with the paragraph you presented in, I absolutely missed it, can you please draw the connection for me?

    I have asked you to provide any verifiable link of convicted IDF soldiers, but you did not.

    I missed that.


    That’s the first one I could find, I’m busy, what with it being Simchat Torah in the diaspora.

    Anything to say about the Jenin refugee camp, do you think using excessive violence there was justifiable?

    Well, you begged the question there, and I’m not intimately familiar with the situation, but from what I understand, not particularly, no.

    Have you ever wondered why Israel is not a member of the ICC, or which other countries are not part and why?

    No. I never cared. I don’t know why Israel would subject itself to any kind of international jurisdiction, with the way the international community treats it. Have you seen how obsessed the UN securuity council is with Israel, while it ignores human rights violations everywhere else in the world? Why the fuck would we want to invite more of that?

    I just looked it up, Israel stated its reasons, it objects to the language about population transfer: https://press.un.org/en/1998/19980720.l2889.html. I’m sure you have a much more conspiratorial reason in mind?

    And I’m familiar with fucking Amnesty International and HRW, I’m not living under a rock.

  • The British took the colony from the Ottoman Turks—not from any people.

    There were Arabs / Muslims in Palestine in the 1800s, but they were mostly centered in a few areas, and very many were there temporarily—making pilgrimage, there on business, etc. Early Zionists settled areas that were yet unsettled, most obviously areas near Jaffa that became Tel Aviv, but also in many rural parts of the country.

    Fun fact, the current population of Palestine is about fifteen times what it was (in the entire region) in the 1800s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Palestine_(region). There is no timeline on which their population went down.

    I did not ask you for security. I’m more than satisfied for Israel to defend itself. Your continued attempts to demonize us for doing so are quite sad.

  • Oh so your point is that Israeli civilian casualties matter more, right?

    I don’t appreciate the way you’re intentionally dodging my point and then intentionally mischaracterizing it.

    My point is that Hamas is trying to increase the count of civilian casualties on both sides, and the IDF is trying to decrease civilian casualties on both sides.

    You’re just counting the victims. Look at the perpetrators for just a second.

    Plus the whole fact that Israel is not a member of the ICC speaks volumes about their human rights track record

    does it? How so?

    Plus it is not like Israeli politicians are not complicit by inciting racial hatred by stating that certain Palestinian villages must be erased.

    There are a few Israeli extremists who say shit like this. They’re monsters. The vast majority do not speak like this. As opposed to the majority members of the Palestinian Authority. A majority of the PA is literally members of Hamas, truly committed to the deaths all Israelis and all Jews they can get their hands on, as evidenced not only by their charter but by their actions.

    Unfortunately, the current majority in Israel is not interested in enforcing rules against expanding settlements. That does suck. But the bulk of the minority—which is likely to take control in the next election, unless this crisis changed things—is very willing to reign in settlements.