Weird question, but what does GnuCash do that you wouldn’t get easily from excel? I haven’t used any of these apps and wondering what I’m missing out on.
West Asia - Communist - international politics - anti-imperialism - software development - Math, science, chemistry, history, sociology, and a lot more.
Weird question, but what does GnuCash do that you wouldn’t get easily from excel? I haven’t used any of these apps and wondering what I’m missing out on.
Only real ones will remember
They didn’t reduce the entire war to that, and Syrian history says Israel is heavily involved in Syrian affairs and for many years bombs syria at least once a month, sometimes several times week.
Russia has a better track record than any other major power in this regard. The above article is misleading, Russia is still actively assisting the Syrian army and is actually increasing the capacity in response to the Aleppo attack.
He just met with Iranian FM in Syria. If he did leave to Russia, he came back after.
Not world news. It’s an internal matter of the US.
Kurdistan will unfortunately get obliterated by Turkey now.
They have the entire city now, which never previously happened at the peak of the war
Russia only occupies the small region of its naval base. Iran does not really occupy any part, although they do seem to have great influence on the government.
Contrary to whats being thrown around, Russia’s support hasnt shrank much. The major change was Hezbollah, which had to retreat from its positions in Syria to support the front against israel.
Syrian here. It was never exactly wrapped up. The government had strong momentum supported by its allies, but upon reaching the last stretch of rebel stronghold, they mysteriously stopped back around 2017-ish. What seems to have happened is Russia making a deal with Turkey and agreeing to stop.
Those remaining rebels have now launched a new offensive against the samw government army, but it is weaker than ever and severely lacking of ally support.
Unfortunately this is just PR speak. While the Lebanese resistance was very successful in repelling an occupation of Lebanon, israel has succeeded in forcing them to abandon the support front for Gaza. I do not blame them at all, but it makes the victory in Lebanon bittersweet.
I wish we had a nice tagging system (and I don’t think they should be hashtags) that was also in common use.
I want to be able to search any post related a certain topic, and sometimes, these may not always be in that topic’s community, because topics can overlap. For example, I might want to read posts about Ukraine war, but those might be in world news, US news, or combat footage communities. Could be a community about Ukraine in general, or Ukraine war specifically.
I also may not want to get it from a single Ukraine community. Maybe by finding posts with the “Ukraine war” tag, I’ll see several communities and join the one I want. But there needs to be a way to group them somehow.
Such a tag system may be useful for combined topics. For example, I may want to look for posts about music software. They might not be common in the music community, or software communities. But I could filter by both tags and find what I want.
As someone who is not deep into type theory or functional programming, can you please explain why you mean by “ergonomic overloading”?
My understanding is that ocaml mitigates the need for type classes through its more advanced module system. So far I have been enjoying the use of OCaml modules, so I’m curious what exactly I’m missing out on, if any.
Thanks for taking the time to talk with me btw!
What are your thoughts on this comparison? https://github.com/sidkshatriya/me/blob/master/007-My-Thoughts-on-OCaml-vs-Haskell-Rust-2023.md
Tell us more about unison
I know double semicolons are a thing, but I’ve never had to use them. I forget what they’re for, but yeah it’s supposed to be an escape hatch for something that shouldn’t be happening iirc.
The curried snd uncurried functions… Maybe you are confusing with SML, because everything in ocaml is curried by default. Though admittedly the standard library could be more complete, but I personally am happy to use third party dependencies for less common things.
Sad I had to scroll to the end to see this.
Ocaml is brilliant and has the nicest type features. It’s almost like Haskell but more approachable imo.
Maybe because I’m not from an English speaking culture that I don’t see the far right stuff
Which Proton version are you using? try using Proton Experimental or trying out other versions to see what works.