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Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • He did remove their supreme court’s ability to try him for his crimes, his party is the majority in Israeli parliament, he’s disbanded the war cabinet, and they’re actively trying to push back the next election date. So yeah, pretty much a dictator.

    Netanyahu would lose a massive amount of power if President Biden would stop sending him so much money and weapons. Even the threat of doing so would have a huge impact. So arguably, a puppet dictator is more accurate. Although the way they interact would lead one to believe Bibi is the actual puppet master.

  • To call Zelenskyy “President Putin” at that critical moment was offensive and totally unacceptable.

    Calling Kamala “Vice President Trump” is kind of hilarious though.

    Both of these together paint a troubling picture. Why is Biden confusing people who are supposed to be his closest allies with those who are considered to be his bitter rivals? This was supposed to be his big press conference where he proves he’s still mentally fit to be president, and he totally blew it. Somebody get him outta there, Biden isn’t fit to be president and the sooner we can admit that and move on the better it will be for this country. The gaslighting in full denial of this is incredibly dangerous, and likely driven by whoever it is that’s actually in charge and wants to stay that way (all signs point to Jill Biden, who last I checked was not elected president.)

    Apparently Biden has not had a full cabinet meeting since last year. These are the people who can invoke 25th amendment on him, and it’s looking extremely suspicious all of a sudden that he’s been avoiding them, and for such an insanely long period of time too!

    For those of us who have had to support an elder family member through times of mental decline, the condition is extremely apparent now, and the administration can no longer hide it. Elders often resist or get angry when confronted about necessary changes, but it’s for their own good. In this case, it’s also so we can ward off a fascist takeover of the US. Come on dem leadership, it’s time to actually be the adults in the room and handle this.

  • And Bibi funded Hamas, his (now realized) end-goal being to destabilize the region and provide cover for further Israeli violence and land grabs from the indigenous people.

    I agree with you on tit-for-tat bringing about undesirable results, but you lost me on “Iran’s bullshit aggression.” Israel is 6mo+ in all-out genocidal warfare on innocent Palestinian civilians, and still maintains this stems from their “right to defend themselves.” Iran on the other hand exercised immense restraint, coordinated with western powers, and executed a highly telegraphed counter-offensive focused exclusively on military targets in Israel as an overly nice way to say “please don’t bomb our stuff.” In this way I think Iran’s counter-attack was in fact beyond justified. Unless you meant it was bullshit in that it was entirely orchestrated, but I doubt that was your intent.

    Netenyahu, being the absolute child that he is, had to strike again anyway. This is in fact unjustified and unprovoked, but to use your own terminology it appears Iran will be the “bigger man” and doesn’t plan on further hostile action. Again highly coordinated with the west, in order to walk on eggshells around the unhinged Israeli government.

    The fact of the matter is this: Bibi is a far-right war mongering zealot who needs to be deposed immediately. The US is despicable for providing him cover the way they have. Despite who’s in charge in Israel, they at least offer their citizens basic social safety nets like universal healthcare and paid family leave. America doesn’t have these things, yet it can afford to send Israel 10s of billions to continue murdering brown children?! Israel are warmongers, and America is shameful for backing them.