I don’t understand how this makes taking hostages and mistreating them by Hamas even remotely understandable let alone agreeable.
I don’t understand how this makes taking hostages and mistreating them by Hamas even remotely understandable let alone agreeable.
Compare a photo of a IDF prisoner to a photo of someone who was held hostage by Hamas. And stop comparing hostages with prisoners.
Okay, this is super disingenuous
No, it isn’t.
Ok. Care to show palallels from those statements to actual Hitler-statements?
So, I am a sadistic monster for pointing out that kidnapping civilists and meístreating them instead of just getting rid of your extremist leaders led to the desaster. And not even showing regret and distancing yourself from those religious zealots doesn’t help, of course. But I am the monster, not the kidnappers. How dillusional are you???
Did any of the Palestinians ever regret all those kidnappings? It brought so much suffering, yet no word of regret and still some hostages remain.
Well, I hope the data protection official of my school won’t find out. Oh wait, shit. He did find out. It’s me and idgaf.
That also is my experience.
I saved a lot of time due to ChatGPT. Need to sign up some of my pupils for a competition by uploading their data in a csv-File to some plattform? Just copy and paste their data into chsatgpt and prompt it to create the file. The boss (headmaster) wants some reasoning why I need some paid time for certain projects? Let ChatGPT do the reasoning. Need some exercises for one of my classes that doesn’t really come to grips with while-loops? let ChatGPT create those exercises (some smartasses will of course have ChatGPT then solve those exercises). The list goes on…
I am not really surprised. As long as people are not starving and they have any kind of recreational activities (social media, streaming, alcohol, drugs), they won’t do shit. The ancient romans already new about that. They gave the people “bread and circuses”.
The other side of this coin is having to be 100% self-dependent. If you want to do this, you better have a job that pays for your preferred life-style. And you better live in a country with a functional health-system that doesn’t immediately bunkrupt you if you fall ill and lose your job because of that.
So… what am I not understanding then? You left that info out, inconveniently.
Your first ammendment guarantees that everybody can weigh in and say that your foreign policies suck dicks. Wether you like it or not.
Here, in the German press, I recently heard Trump described as not being the catastrophe itself, he rather is just a symptom of a deep rift going through US society.
Judging by what he did during his first term: Regarding Germany nothing much happened that was any worse than whatever Obama or grampa Biden did during the adjacent terms. A lot of isolationism happened under Biden. In the term before Trump, a lot of murdering people (including a lot of “collateral damage, aka murderings of civilists”) happened under Obama with his over the top employment of drone warfare.
I don’t see much of a difference by whoever becomes the next GRÖFAZ POTUS.
My MSCI World ETF shares lost about 4% in a day. yesterday. Does this have anything to do with this shitshow?
From the most recent pics and clips of him in the media: He ist dying. Why isn’t anybody else seeing this? His skin is yellowish and spans over the bones in his face, he can hardly walk, he isn’t really coherent. I really would not be surprised if he doesn’t even make it to the presidential election.
Why won’t you just let Michelle Backaroma run for presindent? She could beat Trump, no? Easy.
I’m teaching Highschool in Germany. We do fire drills once a year and involuntarily every time something goes wrong in chemistry class. We also do what we call amok drills every other year.
Yes. Only 25.7 billion dollars. It’s practically dead.