• 5 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2024


  • I don’t think there’s any useful way to put it to regular use for yourself, but you could:

    • install debian on it and keep it around in case of an emergency. turn it on once in a while to keep it updated (doesn’t need to be that often, it’s debian)
    • use it on the go (no worries about it getting stolen)*
    • use it a place where you wouldn’t use your main laptop as to not risk damange (camping, hiking, on a trip, etc)*
    • install a friendlier linux distro and give it away to someone who doesn’t have a computer (a 10yo cousin maybe)
    • give it away to someone who has a computer, but doesn’t have a second one and might be happy to get one to play with

    *though i imagine the battery is not in good shape given your “beaten up” description

  • it’s not just that this is not for me. i genuinely don’t see the point of a terminal-only editor (even vim has a gui version) without any extensibility. the reason vim and emacs are still being used despite being old and full of cruft is that their extensibility makes them very adaptable. treesitter et al seem enough now, but what about ten years from now?

    it’s also weird their motivation for being terminal-only is better performance, as if guis are this super resource intensive thing and not something that’s been mainstream for at least 30 years

  • i didn’t read the entire post and likely won’t, but this caught my eye

    making task lists so that I can see everything and make sure it gets done

    this kind of commitment might be getting in the your way of getting anything done. it might sound paradoxical, but you need to fully accept and embrace your limitations, including not being able to get done what you set out to get done. instead of trying to do what you “need” to do, focus on just doing what you can do and accept that everything else will not get done. which might mean that you might fail to do important tasks, but that’s a better alternative than getting nothing done

    having adhd, especially if you’re unmedicated, means you’re constantly mitigating the consequences of not completing essential, periodic tasks. half your efforts will go towards paying interest (metaphorically and literally). this might sound bleak, but once you truly understand and fully accept that, it will be easier to cope with not being able to do everything you need to do and celebrate whatever you are able to. then you will be able to make the most out of your efforts with the least amount of suffering possible

    (if you can, delegate tasks you have the most trouble with to people who are willing to help and fully understand what having adhd means)

    also, whatever method you use to manage your tasks, it is crucial to make it as simple as possible and make it auxiliary instead of binding. in my case, what i found to help recently are post-it notes. in your case, it might be something else

    good luck!