art trading? always has been
Conservative? Republican? Fuck yourselves. You’ll pay for your stupidity.
art trading? always has been
he has always been a meme
he’s stealing the funds from the american people
zucks personal zuckerbank
he will cancel cause of some nonsense excuse.
the commenter is just trollbaiting
more like dementia
caught by pedo hunters
commits suicide
Am I reading this article correctly?
why are you silent on your “king” being a pathetic coward? you’re happy wasting money on this clown?
theres an amendment relating to tyrannical government and bears
america has the president they elected. its up to the people to hold him to account
I have a surface laptop 7. You need to make sure ARM images exist, but apart from that its worked great
I am a random person on the internet
Trump’s Ukraine betrayal will have terrible consequences.
yes i did read OP.
ed. i see this was downvoted without a response. But il put this out there anyway.
If you host a public site, which you expect anyone can access, there is very little you can do to exclude an AI scraper specifically.
Hosting your own site for personal use? IP blocks etc will prevent scraping.
But how do you identify legitimate users from scrapers? Its very difficult.
They will use your traffic up either way. Dont want that? You could waste their time (tarpit), or take your hosting away from public access.
Downvoter. Whats your alternative?
eggs cheaper?
or even in stock?
groceries cheaper?
i am pretty sure the jury box is pointless at this point. how many crimes has VP trump been convicted for?
Im struggling to find it, but theres like an “AI tarpit” that causes scrapers to get stuck. something like that? Im sure I saw it posted on lemmy recently. hopefully someone can link it
nearly extinct
yeah. easily preventable diseases tend to make you extinct
101 of log files
is to configure it yourself
if the military doesnt go against trump and refuse, itll be a repeat of “just following orders”