• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • I’m glad we are 100% on the same wavelength on that, RiddleMeWhy.

    Honestly, same here up in Canada; the expectation is “they” came to “us” and need to adjust to “our” ways. Scarcely do we take the time to put the effort into doing the same; whether that be in the form of actively trying to understand that culture, gender, or sexuality, etc.

    The act of genuinely just acknowledging that there are other people in the room with different and valid viewpoints that, like or unlike, your own do in fact exist! Especially to try to consciously do this before you type your response, and be kind, speaks volumes to the room. It goes unspoken, though, the effort it takes to be civil, even when something upsets you. It just takes a moment to be kind.

  • I’m white and I understood it as: “It’s unfortunate that we don’t have more diversity yet.” In no way was it meant to sound like “oh great, look at all of the white people.”

    But what irks me is that whole “exclusion” of cis males thing. I’m being general here, but it seems more and more it happens under the guise of “creating safe spaces for people.” It spoils and demeans the entire social experience even if maybe we don’t see it from that perspective. I mean, I get it, not everyone is completely comfortable around others and sometimes there’s underlying issues/trauma there, understandably. People are, and can be, just gross.

    On here, and this applies to everyone, it’s an open, shared space for ALL – not just “make a special space for me.” That’s the thing about equality…it needs to be equally divided to ensure we can have specific spaces for men, for women and for alllllllllllllllllllll of those who fit in between or don’t fit at all into these categories. It just astounds me how a group can be literally screaming to be noticed and loved, and yet there is so much hate a vitriol coming from that exact same group shot back when people take notice, reach out and try to do something about it.

    Beehaw from what I have seen and experienced is indeed trying to proactive and advocate for all users, not just some.

    All I’m saying is you can’t have it both ways – its either inclusive for everyone, or its not. Simple as. If you want a blinders on, customized, experience where there is absolutely no interaction with anyone outside of who/what you deem acceptable… check out Facebook or Twitter. Or even find a trans-run trans-only board/community.

    Edit: punctuation