Ukraine is no less European than Norway or the UK. Or Belarus, for that matter. Or Russia. The trouble we have with Russia is that they’re the only one of the family not having sworn off imperialism, or at least switched to soft-power imperialism, and before Euromaidan it wasn’t clear how much of a grasp Russia’s empire still had in Ukraine. Seemed to look better than in Belarus, but not to a degree one could count on.
Also there’s some wibbles about Western Europe thinking Ostpolitik would work with Far Eastern Europe, after all, it worked so well with Central Europe. Poles and the Baltics have been shouting “you’re idiots” from the top of their lungs, we ignored them, considered their shouting to be the result of PTSD. Which yes I mean it is but also they were right.
Everyone thought the reason he’s making a fuzz is because he wants to sell more US gas. Which I still think was the reason: It’s not like he cared about anything else Russia did, or worried about Europe at any other point in time.
The German strategy of economic entanglement was successful in the sense that it successfully destroyed the Russian economy (making them reliant on imports instead of developing their own capacities), that entanglement stopping aggression was contingent on the Russians being rational.
As to the gas thing: Lots of long-term contracts. E.g. Austria is to this day I think receiving Russian gas, thing is if they stopped receiving they’d still have to pay. Germany got out of that conundrum because the Russians stopped delivering so Germany could cancel the contracts without penalties. You might ask “it’s war, why are we caring about contracts”, and the answer is it’s the Austrians.