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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2024

  • for sure, I just recently also turned geo location stuff of, even camera and microphone. I read a couple of articles that mentioned various issues with third parties listening to words, and what ever whattsapp does, i dont even want to know.

    i always said it was just conspiracy talk that this mirophone listens to us, but earnestly, why are so mamny apps connected to the microphone anyway?

    well. I have to delete my google account sooner or later. getting worse and worse prices onlineshopping is also a huge concern.

  • huh, that sure is wierd. i clicked the video on your link. i had the usual thing recommended: spaceships, farm machinery, how to play solo x on guitar, star trek and star wars news, and i had one anti afd video.

    i assume the problem lies in what you watched and did before on the internet. google is very connected, you see. you get always more of the things you researched and watched.

    i use firefox and have llots of various blockers and privacy stuff enabled, and turned off everything i could turn of in google and youtube, i mean, the datamining stuff.

  • I love mecedes ca<rs, and working on them, while listening to music or audiobooks.

    so it turns out i am incredibly good at selling used car parts, because i know everything about them, i am seller and mechanic in one person. also i make really good pics, and i clean my parts very good. and i am a data mining machine, i know what sells, where the money is. i know what people need.-

    i know the parts number system, which car has which parts, how they break and why, and which parts fit where and what have you.

    so thats my speciality.

    had to quit though, since i got very sick 3 years ago, well, it started 3 years ago. but if it werent for that, i would have kept doing it, it was sooooooo easy.

    so, look at the things you are good at. turn this into money.

    the fun thing is, i never tried that, because i newer saw it as work. i only started it when i started taking ritalin.

  • thanks for the whole explanation, i get it now, it maskes sense. i apologize for not believing you, but what you tell me kinda sounds similar to what I experienced, and it is similiar to other expiriences.

    i am glad you figured out how to spot bad friendships, and how to deal with that girl.

    dont fret, it will get better and better. it is very neeficial that you learned early on to say no.

    thanks for the clarification! i really value that mindset.

    i hope you are doing good, keep taking care of yourself, and dont let others take advantage of you. bye!

    seriously, thise peope are not your friends, f them.

    i recently gave up my whole friendgroup, becaue i realzed they were not my freinds. now i am just at home, learning to play the guitar.

    have fun!

  • I live over there, so :

    young people are not the voting demographic, give me a break.

    as if all those village inbreds aged 30 - 90 would go on tik tok.

    and IF all these people ware watching nazi ads on tik took:

    so what? they certainly don’t read the newspapers, and the democratic partys won’t try to make them better offerings anyway. because all these convincing offerings would consist of more infrastructure, more public transport, more wages, better future prospects. and what have you.

    but thats far to expensive, and is not at all what the democartic centrist parties are doing right know. so they CAN’T bring the voter better arguments and offerings.

  • After 2 Years of ritalin, those kind of regrets and feelings subside, and I had them all my life.

    I guess my perception of self worth changed.

    I tried to be successfull, because i didnt know what it felt like to feel good about myself.

    It’s a thing like learning the guitar, being really giid at it, but you don’t have to show it to your frineds, you just do it for yourself.

    So, that with the guitar happened to me.

    The first thing is to get rid of depression. In my case, i tried lots of things. lots and lots.

    I always hoped:

    “I do the thing X, AND THEN I’LL BE SUCCESSFULL, from then on, i will function like other people!”

    But that was never ever the case.

    Only thing that helped was ritalin, and learning to let it all go, slowly, you will fuind things you are good at.

    In my case, I started with my adhd diagnosis. then i got good at selling car parts and playing the guitar. dropped the car parts thing though, i am outstandingly good at it, but still not able to deal with people.

    oh, i guess i was suicidal for twenty years… on and off.